Forceful Covering (2007)

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The last update was just a little bonus brought to you by Michael's head tilts

"And you're positive that you didn't see anything?" The male police officer asked the young woman who had answered the door when he knocked. She ran a hand through her (H/C) hair and had soft tears falling down her cheeks.

"Y-Yes I'm positive. I only heard noises but I didn't think...murder was happening across from me!" She cried out as she put her face in her hands. The cop placed a hand on her back and slowly rubbed attempting to calm her down.

"It's okay ma'am. I understand this is stressful for you, as it is for us too but you'll be just fine. We're doing our best to catch this sicko before he strikes again" He told her reassuringly. He nodded at her before walking away from the home, going back to his car.

The white masked killer stood behind a tree, stalking the officers and making sure they were leaving. His sharp blue eyes gazed over at the (H/C) haired woman as she closed her door. He let a soft smirk play on his lips as he wandered into her backyard and towards her backdoor. 

The woman opened the door for him and stepped back as his tall frame entered her home quietly. She closed the door and kept her (E/C) eyes locked on him as he set the knife down on her counter. It was blood stained and he knew she hated that but she wouldn't dare fight him on it.

"I'm sick of covering for you, Michael" (Y/N) told him while moving to stand before him. She saw his blue eyes gaze down at her with such intensity filling them. His rough hand moved up and she flinched thinking he was gonna hurt her. He only let his hand rest on her cheek as he stroked her soft skin.

"It's not...healthy for me. You can't force me to do this please...I can get in a lot of trouble" She whispered softly while tears now fell from her eyes only this time they were real tears. He pulled away and gripped his knife in his hands before throwing it at the wall, watching it stab into the surface. He angrily stared at it and then grabbed her arms tightly in his grasp, most likely leaving bruises.

"Y-You're hurting me...I know you don't care but please just stop!" She whimpered only wanting him to leave her be now. He'd ruined her life so much already by forcing her to do this. She totally regretted the day she first saw him and decided to take him into her home exchange for her life. Maybe if he killed her then, she wouldn't have to live with this guilt.

His hands stopped and moved away from her arms much to her relief. He just gazed down at her with angry eyes before letting out a soft grunt of annoyance. He pulled his mask up above his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead. Her eyes widened and she pulled herself back to gaze at him.

"M-Michael....?" She questioned him in shock of his actions. He'd never done that before because usually his emotionless attitude left him cold towards her despite everything, there was even times when he attempted to kill her but now he was treating her as if she was his lover. It made her extremely uncomfortable.

He only pulled the mask back down and ventured off to her living room. He stood close to the couch as she walked over and sat down on it. His protective and stalker-ish nature coming into play as he glanced at the door, alert for intruders or cops. He was like her bodyguard, her fucked up insane one.

She didn't think too much of it as her (E/C) eyes slipped closed. "Goodnight Michael" She whispered before she went to sleep even though she knew he wouldn't respond, his voice being almost non existent now with his newfound behavior. She only felt his hands ruffling her hair as his response.

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