His Girl (2007)

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Kid Michael once again for this one! 🤡

Michael ventured on through the woods near his school. He was on his way home from that horrid place after dealing with another one of Wesley's fun and exciting torment hours. He really hated that guy and he always got so angry around him. The feeling was one even Michael could never describe but he knew it was building up, ready to be set free. Like the perfect nightmare. Only this time he'd be in control.

He was pulled from his thoughts however as a much lighter body landed on his, the person successfully jumping onto his back. Michael was much taller and stronger than most kids his age so he easily held her up with his hands coming to rest on her thighs to keep her steady. He already knew it was her. (Y/N). His best friend and the only one he'd ever fight to protect besides his baby sister. Those two gave him a comforting feeling.

"Hey Mikey!" She squealed in his ear making a soft smile appear on his face. Her voice was amazing and it kept him calm most of the time. He continued to walk now a bit slower since he had to carry both his weight and hers. He didn't mind because she was really light.

"(Y/N)" He greeted in a quiet voice now being too distracted by his mind. Her head moved to rest on his shoulder as her (E/C) eyes scanned their surroundings. She loved Michael and she did anything to keep him smiling even though he rarely does it anymore.

"Mikey guess what" She spoke happily to which he tightened his grip on her legs, pushing her up more on his back. He loved it when she called him that but he would never allow anyone else to, only her. It pissed him off when Wesley teasingly did it because it was like he was making fun of her. His flower.

"What?" He asked softly feeling her fingers running through his long blonde locks of unkept hair. It was always so messy and in his face but she didn't mind it, she loved to feel the softness of it on her fingers.

"I love you, Mikey" She cooed softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck gently. He stopped walking as he tried to process what she said to him. She loved him? He felt the biggest smile ever take over his features as he gently set her down, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her neck.

"I love you too, flower" He told her before pulling away and keeping a tight grip on her hand. They walked further through the woods and she started to hum softly to herself. He swung their hands back and forth while listening to her.

"(Y/N)...I need to talk to you. It's important" He spoke suddenly stopping. She looked at him as he placed one of his hands on her cheek. "I just want you to know that whatever happens...you'll always be the most important to me and I will make sure I see you again. No matter what" He told her.

"Mikey...I know this. Why are you talking like this? Is something wrong?" She asked with slight concern in her (E/C) eyes. The same eyes that he absolutely adored with all his soul. He sighed and lowered his head letting his blonde hair fall in his face.

"I just...I know something will happen. I can feel it. Just don't hate me" He said to her with a soft frown on his face. She grabbed his hand and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I'd never hate you, Michael" She smiled.

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