Blame Her (2007)

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Alright here's another update that I thought of, but for this one Judith is going to be nice, which I know is a bit of a shock for RZ but for this particular imagine she has to be nice 👍
Now the italics are flashbacks and the normal writing is future times just to clear up any confusion, most of this is a flashback but some is the future.

(Y/N) hid behind her mother's legs as she peeked out at the teenage girl who stood at their door with a blonde boy beside her. It was typical for the younger girl to hide away whenever she was faced with people she didn't know because shyness had always played a huge part in everyday life. These two people didn't look too harmful but it was obvious something was wrong.

"Oh hello Judith" Her mother greeted the teenager with a soft smile before shifting her eyes down to the silent blonde. "Michael." Was all she said to acknowledge the boy before she was conversing with the older brown haired girl. "What brings you both here?" She asked while noting the nervous look on the older girl's face. Something was definitely wrong but (Y/N) couldn't put her finger on it.

"Do you mind if we talk alone?" Judith questioned as her eyes set their sights on the little girl clinging to the mother's leg. These people must be on good terms with (Y/N)'s mother if she'd openly let them inside which is what she did. Judith immediately walked inside after gently pushing the blonde boy first. He was so strange because he didn't talk and he seemed to show little to no emotion. Was he even human?

"Of course! (Y/N), why don't you show Michael to your bedroom for now?" The older woman said sweetly but it was obvious that it wasn't a question. The shy (H/C) haired girl slowly reached out and grabbed the blonde boy's hand before pulling him off to her room like instructed.

(Y/N) had kept her hand clamped over her mouth to prevent any noise from slipping out because she had fallen victim to the shape that roamed around Haddonfield after his escape from the asylum and to make matters worse, she knew exactly who he was. Her night had started out just as normal as any other when strange noises were heard leading up to this chase she had with him. With Michael. They used to have a strong connection but that seemed to be over now as he targeted her.

It seemed to be too late because he was always smarter and he found out where she was hiding. His feet stopped in front of the closet and it was harshly opened as he stood there in all his white masked glory. She could finally be his once again but not the way anyone thought, no he wanted her to be gone. "P-Please Michael..." Her soft voice rang out into his ears and he loved it. He got so much joy whenever his victims begged for their lives because that's when they finally knew he was in charge. For once.

"Just remember...I helped you so why do I deserve this?" Those words that left her lips made him freeze up altogether. His mind was usually so quick to think of something but now he was just frozen there as those words hit his ears over and over. How could he do this to his only friend?

"T-This is getting worse, (M/N)" Judith sobbed softly as she was enveloped into the older woman's arms. "Ronnie torments us daily and mom's never home...I try to keep Michael happy but it doesn't seem to work and I'm so afraid of what he'll me" She whispered because it was true. The boy was getting worse by the second. His actions would soon be unpredictable.

" you talk?" (Y/N) questioned as she slowly swung her legs back and forth. The two had sat together on the bed but the boy was still quite unresponsive which made things all the more awkward. He slowly looked over to her before ripping his hand from hers. (Y/N) didn't even realize that she had such a firm grip on his hand.

"Yeah I talk" He started. "But I don't always like to" With that, silence ensued once more in the room. Her voice oddly calmed him down and it sort of made him angry. He didn't want to be calm because he only had to make it until Halloween night. That's when everything would change.

It was true that she kept him sane for those few days before Halloween but he was a new person now so surely things had to change. Without much thought, he ended her off by slashing her throat. Her blood gave him a rush of joy. Pure joy. He hadn't felt it in some time.

He swung her now deceased body over his shoulder and proceeded to carry her off through the home. She'd finally stop calming him down. He could finally get her out of his head.

He could be the shape again.

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