The Cellar (part 2) (2007)

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Michael is a teenager in this one and so is the Reader but they're a year apart so that means Michael is 18 while Reader is 17. This was rushed so it may suck but I really tried my best lmao

(Y/N) took slow and cautious steps down the cellar stairs as she attempted to be quick about this little meeting with the blonde teenager. Her father had just left to go meet up with someone so she took the chance to see Michael while he was gone. She was now seventeen years old so it was harder to sneak around with her father here.

Her (E/C) eyes widened at the new display of masks. Each time she came down here the collection seemed to grow. She didn't mind because she knew making them was something that kept the boy calm. He only ever had a few meltdowns during his time staying down here and he'd always disappear right after because he was ashamed. She always made sure to give him time to calm down before visiting him again.

Her legs brought her forward as she slowly moved towards the small bed. It was always neatly made which gave her the assumption that Michael never slept in it. She sat herself down and that's when a small note caught her eye. It seemed to be new but it was crumpled up like someone was angry about whatever it said. She didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out who. Her small hand slowly picked up the note as she read over it.

"Michael, this is your doctor once again. I'm getting concerned on your lack of emotion and speech when we have our sessions, if this continues than you'll never recover and I will have no choice but to send you away to a much worse place. This family was nice enough to hold you for me so I suggest you respect that.

"He doesn't understand me" The calm and boyish voice spoke suddenly making (Y/N) drop the note and turn herself to face the blonde. His hair was turning slightly brown at the roots and he was now wearing grey sweatpants with a black shirt. Something was completely off about him since the last time they saw each other.

"W-Well you don't seem to give him a chance to" She replied. "You can't just close yourself off like that, Michael" She scolded him slightly as the boy walked closer and sat beside her on the small bed. His hand gripped the small paper as he scowled at it.

"You don't know what it feels like" He told her firmly. "To be considered the mentally unstable boy who slaughtered his whole family because he never fit in with anyone" Tears pricked at his eyes for the first time since she's known him. He had always been strong enough to hide what he felt but this topic seemed to really upset him.

"T-They call me the devil...they say I'm a soulless creature" He admitted before looking down at his hands and letting his blonde locks of hair cover his face. "They say I should have never been born because I came out of my mom as the devil, she's the devil's mother" He gripped onto the sheets of the bed.

"Maybe I should show them what that really looks like" He whispered shakily. (Y/N) slowly took one of his tense hands in hers. Their fingers gently intertwined but she was speechless at that moment. There was no proper response to his words.

The sound of the front door opening could be heard and the girl suddenly sprung up from the bed and pulled her hand from Michael's grasp. "Shit, he wasn't supposed to be home this early!" She gasped softly as she gave the blonde boy a gentle hug and bounded up the stairs to make it look like nothing happened.

Michael's words spun through her mind the whole day but she never returned to the cellar after that because the guilt of sneaking around finally caught up to her. All she could think about for the next few years was his words to her.

"Maybe I should show them what that really looks like"

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