Wanted (2007)

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Hey y'all! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far now let me explain how this'll go. This imagine will be the last one until my Christmas one comes out on December 25th which is not too far away from now, but this book is NOT ending. After the Christmas one, there will be plenty more in the future ;) ❤️
Slashers being added are:
-Brahms Heelshire (the boy)
-Leatherface (Texas chainsaw massacre)
-Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
And of course, Michael Myers

The harsh rain pelted against the cop car as it drove down the streets of Haddonfield hurriedly to bring the newest inmate to the station. This case had shocked the police officer because he had been on pretty good terms with (Y/N). Her actions had truly shown him the darker side of her that he never knew existed until tonight. Some called her a monster but stayed away from her, others called her a monster but threatened she be put to death row immediately. The cop didn't think that was appropriate considering there had been much worse crimes committed than the one she did tonight. Perhaps it was because she didn't seem to feel any regret in doing this. This didn't seem to phase her at all and it was unsettling to say the least.

The woman had been currently sitting in the backseat with her hands cuffed and her head down making the (H/C) locks of hair cover any facial features she had. He didn't even think he heard her breathe half the time, he hadn't seen a case this bad since he had 10 year old Myers in the backseat years ago. His escape was pretty surprising but there wasn't much that could be done at this time. At least that's what Brackett told everyone. He was focused on this girl and what she had did.

(Y/N) kept her eyes trained on the small wedding band that was around her finger. It was supposed to symbolize love and trust between two people but what she got out of it wasn't anything of the sort. The treatment was so harsh even if her spouse made it look perfect on the outside. She was the only one who truly knew what went on behind the walls of their horrid home. Tonight was her escape from all of that, when she murdered him without hesitation. This had to be done so she could finally be free but no one understood that and they called her crazy. She didn't give a single care of course. Small blood spots stained it but she didn't seem phased. Not one single bit.

"Why didn't you come to me when he started hurting you?" The Officer spoke up suddenly which made her head snap up to meet his eyes. "You know I would have gotten you away from that...now look what's happened, your life will never be the same" He sighed as his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, knuckles going white from it. She didn't want his sympathy, his care. All men were the same. She hated them all with a burning passion.

Her lack of response seemed to irritate him as he growled and cursed loudly. "You're just like him, god fucking dammit!" Those words made her slightly confused but she didn't make any attempt to understand them. "You can't just speak and own up to what you've done, admit that you're a crazy bitch" This surprised you but what shocked you even more was the fact that the car suddenly rammed into something and crashed on the side of the road.

Her vision was blurry but she could clearly feel someone carrying her as the wind whipped through her unkept hair. It couldn't be the cop because this person's grip was slightly firmer. Nothing seemed to add up but all she saw was a hooded male that only had his bright blue eyes visible. "W-Where are you taking me?" Her voice was soft but still held fear within it.

The male looked down at her for a moment before silently continuing ahead to reach whatever his destination was. She didn't know how she ended up with this male but it didn't phase her that much. Maybe this was meant to happen somehow.

Maybe the Shape was meant to find her.

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