The Aftermath (2007)

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This one will be a bit depressing just a warning. It involves PTSD and just depression in general because the Reader is a survivor (the only one) of a Michael Myers attack and so she's obviously traumatized from it :( poor reader
Also the pic above was posted by Tyler Mane lmao poor Ismael

The home was filled with soft laughter as the group of friends sat in the living room on Halloween night. The group consisted of two teenage boys, one of them being (Y/N)'s older brother who was always really protective over her after last year's events. It was visible that the girl wasn't the same after everything she's witnessed and he really wished he could understand that.

" your sister gonna come hang with us?" One of the boys, Mason, questioned. It was no secret that the boy had a slight thing for (Y/N) but of course he'd never get the chance to tell her now. He knew that she didn't trust anyone anymore. (Y/N)'s brother, Tom, was snapped from his trance as he heard those words. He really didn't know what to tell them anymore.

"I don't know...she likes to keep to herself nowadays" Tom replied while trying to keep from letting tears escape his eyes. He hated seeing his baby sister so broken, it just wasn't fair. They were both unaware of the girl listening in on their conversation from behind the wall. She partly blamed herself for all of this, for her brother's sadness.

"What did Myers want with her anyways?" Mason asked suddenly which made the other boy glare at him sharply for those choice of words. He realized his mistake but it was far too late, (Y/N) had already heard him. A sharp gasp was all that escaped her lips which alerted the two boys to her presence.

"(Y/N)..." Tom slowly walked closer to her but the girl was already running up the stairs to the bathroom where she opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a small bottle of pills. She quickly took out two of them and shoved them in her mouth, swallowing them dry and just wanting it to all go away. Tears poured down her cheeks as she recalled the events of last year.

She closed the bathroom door and locked it behind her as she slowly slid down it and sobbed into her knees. Tom ran up to the door and gently knocked on it.

"(Y/N)...he was just being an idiot, you know he didn't mean to bring him up" His gentle voice spoke through the door as he desperately tried to get his sister to come out. "I-I know how hard this is for you and I'm so sorry...I feel like a failure because I didn't protect you" Tears now fell from his eyes as he blamed himself.

"I'll leave you be but please don't do anything to hurt yourself...I love you" He whispered before he slowly left the area and headed back to Mason to scold him for his behavior. He was confused when he didn't find the boy anywhere but he saw the front door wide open, the wind blowing inside. His eyes widened as he saw a trail of blood on the ground.

He slowly stepped towards the door and looked outside but he didn't see anything. "Mason? Are you out here?" He called but he received no response. He gasped softly as a rough hand wrapped around his neck and a knife was rammed into his back harshly making a pained cry leave his lips as blood left his body. The heavy breathing was heard behind him and his body was dropped to the ground, blood now escaping past his lips and out of the wound.

The white masked male tilted his head at the young boy before he turned and looked up at the staircase. His feet brought him forward but he stopped short as he heard a weak voice speak to him.

"N-No...leave her alone..." The boy's voice spoke up before he coughed up more blood. The masked killer didn't give him any reaction as he climbed the stairs slowly and menacingly to reach the girl.

(Y/N) eventually got up and wiped the tears from her eyes before she felt her hands shaking gently which was something she couldn't control. The girl in the mirror wasn't even remotely close to what she used to look like. She used to be so lively but now she's broken beyond repair.

She exited the bathroom and was about to go down the stairs when she saw something that was truly unexpected. The masked killer stood there and when he saw her, he tilted his head at her and moved closer slowly. She backed up until her back hit a wall. How could he have found her?

His body stopped just inches from hers as he leaned his head down towards her until they stared into each other's eyes. He wanted his face to be the last thing she saw as the life drained from her form. His fingers slowly traced the edge of his mask as they lifted it off of his head. His face was now visible to her.

Long brown locks were in his face as his blue eyes gazed at her own. His lips were a soft pink color and he had a bit of facial hair going on but it wasn't too much. He was never fond of his face anyways but now he had a reason for showing it to her. His breathing was gentle now that the mask was off and his hand reached up to grip her locks of hair as she cried out.

"No! Go away! Please don't hurt me!" It was the usual response he got from his victims and he really did enjoy when people begged him for their pathetic lives when they knew he wasn't gonna listen anyways. Why would he? He's been trying to find her for so long.

He grunted as he slashed at her stomach with his knife and then threw her to the ground. He loved the scream of pain that left her lips as she felt the wood grazing against her now bleeding stomach. His footsteps echoed on the floor as he moved to stand over her ready to end her life. What he should have done a year ago.

She cried and kept her eyes closed but for some reason he stopped short just looking at her. Why couldn't he do it? It was always so easy for him but now all of a sudden it seemed like the hardest thing to complete. His shaking fingers dropped the knife to ground as he got down on his knees and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her up.

He moved his hand forward and pressed it against the wound he created on her so that it wouldn't bleed out. Why was he saving her? Why? He felt a connection that was so strange to him. He didn't want to hurt her and that angered him so much.

"W-Why won't you kill me? Just do it...I don't want to live with this fear anymore" Her voice snapped him from his thoughts as he stared at her before picking her up effortlessly along with his knife. He wanted to know why so he'd just take her with him. He didn't care if she refused, he'd force her.

Michael needed to know why she was so important to him when no one else was so he took her away from everything she ever cared about that was left of course. He was all she needed now.

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