Pretty Little Man Killer (3) (2007)

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Bet ya weren't expecting that huh? 😂❤️. I actually got plans for more parts to this imagine and I did say that there would be a part 3 but I realized that I never gave it to you I am so sorry! We're making these look professional now cuz we got cool ass gifs 👏😏.

The wind whipped against her face and blew through her hair but there honestly couldn't have been a better feeling at this moment

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The wind whipped against her face and blew through her hair but there honestly couldn't have been a better feeling at this moment. She was a free woman once again and it wouldn't have happened without the help of a certain person she became close with during her stay at Smith's Grove. They made it pretty far already but she knew that the pesky asylum would soon notice their departure and come after them. Especially Dr. Loomis.

It had started when she heard commotion coming from down the hall, but she couldn't interfere because of her own room being locked. It was only a few moments later that her door did open but standing there was none other than Michael Myers. She wasn't surprised that he managed to escape, he was a big guy. He could take on anyone at that asylum which is probably why they all avoided him. They didn't want their asses kicked. She found that amusing. She wasn't afraid to get roughed around by him, worse things could happen.

Now here they were, walking down the darkened streets and just taking in the feeling of being free. Michael had dragged her to a nearby rest stop where he murdered a trucker and stole what he was wearing, so he was currently enjoying being out of the itchy asylum outfit while she still suffered. The outfit was way too big for her anyways, dumbass workers got her size wrong most likely. Perhaps she was a little too sarcastic. Should probably tone that down a bit.

Her (H/C) eyes caught sight of the silent male walking alongside her and she decided that this was the correct time to make conversation. "So Mikey!" She clapped her hands childishly. The male didn't spare much of a glance but she knew he was listening. "Now that we're free from the pits of hell, what do you plan on doing next? They're gonna come look for us soon" This genuinely interested her because now that they were both free, where would they go? There was nowhere for them to hide unless he knew some place.

His hand lifted and he pointed to a sign that read 'Haddonfield, 2 miles away'. Ah, so he planned on going to the nearest town that you could find once leaving Smith's Grove. She almost forgot how smart he was. He continued to stay silent as they both kept on walking. The woman was getting extremely uncomfortable in this outfit so she decided to speak up about it, even if Michael got annoyed at her.

"This outfit is come you get the whole intimidating and extremely dirty jumpsuit but I have to stay in these rags?" She pouted and crossed her arms. The male allowed his blue eyes to narrow as they landed on her childish figure. He shook his head before gesturing to the nearby gas station. Was he suggesting that they steal from someone there? What a scandalous person he was.

"Ah. I gotcha" She smirked as they both approached the building, people already giving them strange looks. Perhaps it was weird to see a tall man wearing a dirty jumpsuit while his long hair hung in his face and a woman dressed in all white with only socks to cover her feet and messy hair. They were a circus act to the outside world but (Y/N) wouldn't have it any other way. He was the only man that she'd ever be this close to without planning their murder.

"I'll go distract the guy behind the counter while you take out ms. desperate for a good time over there" (Y/N) grinned as she walked off into the convenient shop, not letting Michael react to her plan. She assumed he took her word for it because when she glanced out the window, Myers was already approaching the woman by her car and preparing to end her life. She seriously loved him, even if it was unclear which way she meant that in.

"Hey man" She greeted the man behind the counter as he turned and gazed at her with wide eyes. His eyes trailing over her attire before landing on the words 'Smith's Grove Sanitarium' that were printed on the front of her shirt. "Don't mind the clothing, I got it from my dad. He works there and let me borrow one of the patient's outfits" She spoke up before leaning forward and messing with the back of the man's hand.

"Oh...alright. Well are you going to buy something or...?" The man trailed off nervously as he eyed the way her hand moved along his. (Y/N) snuck a glance at Michael, seeing him slamming the woman against her own car and breaking the glass. Ouch. That must really fucking hurt. The man seemed to have heard the loud noises as he tried to glance outside in panic but (Y/N) blocked his view.

"Probably a raccoon, they're such rowdy things" She giggled softly before deciding to answer his previous question. "I don't have plans to buy anything but...I just wanted to ask if you've seen this man" (Y/N) pulled a picture out of her pocket and held it close to the man's face. The picture was of her father, the same man who had turned her in to the asylum. She had unfinished business with him.

"N-No, sorry ma'am" The man behind the counter apologized but she just held up a hand and slid the picture back into her pocket before walking out of the store and looking around for Michael. He came walking out from behind the woman's car, his hand stained with blood as he held out a pair of clothes. Blue skirt and white shirt. Just what she wanted. That was all complete sarcasm though.

Michael shoved the clothes into her arms and followed her to the bathrooms. He stood outside as she changed into the newfound outfit, her body seeming to fit perfectly in the attire.

She came out a few minutes later and did a mock spin for the silent male. "Fabulous. Now let's keep going before Loomis finds us" She commented as they started to walk once more, leaving the gas station and heading to their newfound location of interest.


It was then that she remembered the last words spoken to her by Dr. Loomis before they had escaped.

"Please be mindful, Michael is not to be taken lightly. He is a force of nature that is easily provoked, do not get too involved with him"

Well....too late for that.

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