Partners In An Ambulance (2007)

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60th imagine!!!! Whooopppppppp
I might be hyper from that caramel frappe I drank earlier

"Holy fuck, what happened to them?" William, who was one of the paramedics, asked as he examined the two bodies laying in the back of the ambulance. One was the large and quite terrifying body of Michael Myers and the other was the broken up and bloody body of a teenage girl with matted (H/C) hair sticking to her neck from the blood.

"Well...Myers was supposed to be the only one in here tonight but on our way transporting him, we saw her on the side of the road" The other paramedic, Gary, spoke up. "We came to the conclusion that she was injured in a car accident so now she's coming with us while we take Myers dead body to its destination" He focused his attention on the road as William closed the back doors and got into the passenger side of the ambulance.

"You sure the fucker is dead?" William breathed out as he closed the door behind him. "Like for good this time?" He added. The ambulance began to move as Gary drove off down the road as it began to rain heavily.

"Come on man, I'm positive" Gary laughed. "Brackett said so." He reassured the other man who was currently freaking out because they did have the famous Haddonfield killer in the back of their ambulance. William didn't seem so convinced but he kept his mouth shut.

(Y/N) groaned a bit to herself as she opened her eyes and peered around at her surroundings. Last she knew, there had been an accident and then everything had gone black after that. She was relieved to see that it was an ambulance she was in. Her eyes landed on the figure laying next to her and she almost screamed.

Next to her was the one and only Michael Myers.

She kept staring at him but it didn't seem like he had any life in him, it didn't even look like he was breathing. Had he been dead? That thought caused an unknown ache in her chest.

Her hands moved slowly up to her head as she felt what she assumed was a large bandage on her forehead. It was right where she had gotten that scar, at least she got some medical attention and wasn't left to bleed out. She closed her eyes and everything felt at peace once more.

That was until a scream tore its way through her throat as the ambulance rammed into something and crashed in the grass. She had been fine because of the straps that held her down securely to the stretcher.

A soft cry escaped her lips as her vision became blurry but she heard movement very close to her. Once the vision came back to her eyes, all she was met with was a white mask and blue eyes peering at her through it.

"P-Please don't hurt me" Was the first sentence that escaped her lips as the white masked male tilted his head at her. He seemed to be in perfect condition despite the crash while she had some scratches and cuts from the impact.

Rough feeling hands rested on her waist as she felt the straps that held her being viscously ripped apart. The hands then moved to the ones on her chest and worked quickly to rip them apart as well. She gasped and looked at him but he just lifted her up from the stretcher and held her within his arms.

She didn't understand why he helped her instead of killing her off like he did most people. His hands kept a tight grip on her as he slammed his foot against the ambulance door which made a soft cry sound from up front.

One of the paramedics must still be alive. Unfortunately (Y/N) knew that wouldn't last long. Hell, she didn't even know for sure if she'd still be alive.

Michael slammed his foot against it once more as the doors finally opened up roughly. He then crouched and climbed out of the vehicle while still carrying her. He stopped once his feet touched the grass and he slowly set her down on her feet which made her body wobble slightly from the lack of using her legs in a long while.

She just watched as the masked male made his way up to the front of the ambulance where all she heard was screams of the paramedic that had survived. She assumed he was killing them off which made her slightly cringe.

She looked around and noticed they were in an area she wasn't familiar with and that made her slightly nervous. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as a rough hand grabbed hers in an attempt to be gentle but it still squeezed too hard. She felt warm liquid on her hand but she didn't comment on it.

"Come on...let's find out where we are" (Y/N) told him.

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