Girl and Killer (2007)

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The (h/c) haired girl groaned as she came too. She looked around seeing that she was some place unfamiliar. She couldn't remember how she got here, all she knew was she woke up in some weird place, restrained to a chair, and gagged.

Her (e/c) eyes scanned the room till they finally landed on a figure in the corner.

She tried to say 'can you take this off' but due to being gagged it just came out as a jumble of noise. The figure stood up straight and came towards the (h/c) haired girl.

As the figure came closer she was able to make out that it was a tall man. He seemed to be wearing a dirty blue jumper and a hideous mask. He undid the gag and the girl looked into the eyes of the mask. His cold blue eyes piercing into her warm (e/c) ones. He slowly undid the rest of the restraints, not once breaking eye contact.

Once the girl was free, Michael went back to the corner he was in originally. The girl sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair thinking.

She didn't know who the man was. She didn't know how she got here. Hell, She didn't even know her own name!

She shook the thoughts aside and walked to the corner where Michael sat. He looked up at her and tilted his head slightly.

"Can I sit with you?" She asked. Michael thought for a second before nodding. The girl sat down next to him. "I don't remember anything." She said as she laid her head on Michaels shoulder. He quickly tensed up before relaxing slightly. With those words he knew his plan had been a success. "You know you have pretty eyes." The girl said. Michael turned his head to look at her.

He lifted up his mask slightly and planted a kiss on the girls forehead. She for some odd reason felt comforted by him. She couldn't explain why. She didn't know him but she felt comforted by him.

Little did she know outside, people were looking for her. Her whole family was worried sick. Not only that but the man she felt comforted by was a serial killer who was wanted by authorities. Had she not lost her memories she'd most likely be scared of him.

Michael had kidnapped (Y/N) after seeing her walk home one night. Something about her allured him to the (h/c) haired girl. He had broken into her house when no one else was home and had kidnapped her along with somehow managing to make her loose her memories.

Michael quickly stood up and looked at the (h/c) haired girl, then at the door. He then started to walk towards the barn door.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) asked but with no answer he left her there only to return after his work was done.

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