Flashbacks (part 2) (2007)

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This will actually involve present Michael and Reader's interaction hehe

(Y/N)'s small legs carried her forward as she wandered through the forest on her way home from the bookstore. Her parents allowed her to stay there for as long as she wanted because their home wasn't far from the building that she'd learned to call home. The girl's father was never around much and he didn't seem to care about anything she did but her mother always made sure to fill that void in the little girl's heart. She stopped in her tracks as the cold wind blew through her hair and the feeling of being followed flowed through her veins.

"Hey (Y/N), do you mind bringing this pie out to table two for me?" Aaron asked as he approached the girl who sat on the stool close by. She didn't really want to do anything but this was her job, to work as a waitress at a small diner that she just managed to land. No one wanted her around in this town anymore due to the event that took place on Halloween night. It was all absurd really because it wasn't like she chose to be targeted by some crazy yet familiar man. Her right hand now adorned a white bandage to cover up her missing finger while she still had some cuts on her face that were now stitched and served as a permanent reminder.

She hugged the jacket closer to her smaller body as fear overtook her. Someone was doing a great job at blending in with their surroundings as they stalked her. She bit her lip and decided at that moment to speak out and make it known that she was aware of this person following her. "I know you're following me...so you should come out now and tell me why" She attempted to sound intimidating but her voice came out as only a faint whisper because fear always won when it came to her emotions. Whoever this was, they let out a boyish chuckle of amusement as they stepped out and revealed to her who they were.

"Y-Yeah...I'll get to it" (Y/N) forced a smile as she took the plate and ventured on over to the table which held a couple who looked quite content with each other. They were elderly and the only expressions on their faces were ones of pure and true love. It warmed her now cold heart to see such displays of affection because it was something she always dreamed of. She wanted to find that special someone who would keep her safe no matter what happened but it was in those thoughtful moments that she realized how alone she truly was. Perhaps that would never get to happen now, not in this horrid world. Not for her.

"Did I scare you?" Came Michael's calm voice as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of the black coat he was wearing that went so well with his dark jeans. Blonde locks covered almost every inch of his face but she was used to seeing him do this. He never wanted her to see his face for some unknown reason. She just let herself look at him and smile. "Maybe a little" She shrugged before releasing a soft giggle. Michael stepped up beside her as they walked together because over time, they both learned to trust each other even if that would be the one thing that would tear them down.

"How long have you two been together?" (Y/N) asked out of genuine curiosity because old people being in love always brought a smile to her face because it was a sign that they've been together for such a long and eventful time. This was what she expected to happen to her and Michael but perhaps she should have listened to his warning. She shook her thoughts away and smiled as the older woman gripped her husband's hand and started to speak. "For a long while" The woman spoke.

"Lair" Michael teased. "I totally got you" He confidently smiled before he nudged her with his shoulder and reached down to lace their fingers together. In the moment, cold fingers met warm ones and smiles passed on both of their faces. Love was the only word that could be described between the two but of course all good things come to an end.

(Y/N) smiled and set the pie down before she hurried out of the diner and stood up against the wall with tears heavily cascading down her cheeks. Broken tears that anyone would be able to see. She didn't even bother to go back into the diner as she just walked off and took a shortcut through the woods that were close by. These woods were what helped her clear her head most of the time but a lot of times it would be filled with thoughts on Michael and the harsh reunion they had Halloween night. She never expected him to harm her the way he did. He even made that promise to never hurt her.

"I promise that I'll never hurt you" Michael's soft voice spoke to her as they walked through the forest.

A soft sob escaped the girl as she continued on her way home. Ever since she got out of the hospital, things have never been the same for her. It was like a reoccurring nightmare. "I-I want out..." She spoke softly to herself but she was unaware of the male that walked up behind her with that white mask covering his face and his knife ready in his hand. A rough hand placed itself on her shoulder and that's when she noticed his presence. "Let me out Michael" She whispered as she turned around to face the taller male. His fingers came up to rest on the sides of his mask as he pulled it up and over his head.

Brown hair fell beautifully down to his shoulders and blue eyes gazed into hers. He didn't talk but he didn't need to because this silence calmed them both. She was starting to wonder if this was all in her head but when she felt the touch of his fingers on her cheek that's when she knew it was real. "Why did you hurt me? You broke that promise" She told him before pulling away. "I'm so fucking hurt because of you!" Yells escaped her along with tears as she hit at his chest which didn't hurt him at all but he allowed her to do so.

Eventually she collapsed against it as her fingers gripped the material of his hunting jacket as she sobbed. "Y-You hurt me but...I missed you so much" She whispered as the silent killer just stood there still as a rock. His hand came to rest on the small of her back but his fingers shook as he became afraid of hurting her again. As long as she was around him, there'd always be pain and death. He didn't want that for her, he never did.

"You're not leaving again" She told him and at that moment they both couldn't stay away from each other. Desires were greedily shared between the two of them as murder continued to happen. She was okay with it.

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