Cabin In The Woods (2007)

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My chapter numbers are way behind but that's okay, shhh. This is short and just random lol

(Y/N) slowly walked through the woods and made sure she was cautious of her surroundings or any potential people that were around. No one could be alerted of what she was doing at this moment or she'd surely be in trouble for multiple reasons. She had seen a strange cabin in the woods and it was rumored to belong to some strange guy who had pretty much the entire history of Michael Myers written out in every form. (Y/N) hated that. She had been childhood friends with him and this was not acceptable to her. She had plans to make him get rid of all that evidence.

The only dangerous part for her was that she had Michael with her. After his escape from Smith's Grove, there had been search parties out looking for him but she had hidden him well. At first she wasn't gonna get herself involved but this is her childhood sweetheart, he had always been there for her so she only thought returning the favor would be fair.

Her boots crushed some leaves under them as she continued to walk. Michael had made sure he kept close to her but he was still staying out of sight. He was always good at sneaking around. She was sometimes jealous of his stealth. He could be anywhere at any time and no one would even know.

She shook her thoughts away as she approached the small cabin that held pretty much everything to know about Michael and even everything to know about her since she had been his childhood friend. She needed to get rid of the evidence because it would only cause trouble. Her hands reached into her backpack as she pulled out the things she needed to pick the lock.

As her fingers moved skillfully with unlocking the cabin door, she could feel the presence behind her and she could hear the heavy breathing from under his mask. "Could ya step back a bit? Personal space is a thing Michael" She spoke before going back to what she was doing. She smiled as the door unlocked giving them full access to whatever was held inside.

"Come on" She told him before starting to take a step inside. Michael was quick to put his arm out in front of her as he held her back. She was about to question his actions when she saw what looked to be a bear trap set up right where she was gonna step. "Gosh I didn't even see that, curse your good eyesight" She joked before carefully moving the trap and stepping inside.

Michael's heavy boots sounded on the floor as he stepped in after her. She walked up to a table and pulled open a folder which contained newspaper articles and pictures of the two of them. She picked up one that described the murders he did as a kid. The one where he killed his family. "Fuck..he's got our whole life stories here" She mumbled out to herself but Michael heard every word as he walked up next to her and shoved her gently out of the way.

An angry grunt escaped his lips as he gazed upon the evidence. He looked over at her before starting to cut through the papers with his knife. She didn't make any attempts to stop him because she knew his anger was something she  couldn't mess with. He finished and then turned around, walking out of the cabin. She was quick to follow him.

"Well that was one way to get rid of it" She commented before they both started walking back to her home.

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