Childhood Obsessions (part 3) (2007)

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I love that picture so much. Look at how fucking tall he is 😍🔪

The little girl giggled happily as she skipped towards her best friend's home. He had asked her to come over and she didn't even think to decline because she adored the slightly older boy and she loved his company even if he was still a little awkward around her. She knew the reason behind that was his lack of interaction with females. It made the poor boy freeze up and get all jittery.

(Y/N) had been there for the boy since she moved to Haddonfield last year. They immediately hit it off and became best friends. Of course there were some complications with becoming the friend of Michael Myers. He was the one everyone at school called a freak and he got bullied almost every day for things that weren't even his fault. For example, he got bullied because his mother was an exotic dancer and his sister Judith was the school slut.

The Myers home was dark and abnormally quiet when the little girl arrived. Her (E/C) eyes landed on the small blonde haired boy sitting on the steps of his home. It was almost frightening how calm he was as he held his baby sister, Angel, in his arms. She tilted her head to the side as she slowly walked up to him. "Mikey? What're you doing out here? It's freezing. Did something happen?" (Y/N) asked him softly.

Michael's eyes glanced up and scanned over (Y/N)'s figure before he reached his hand out and touched the fabric of the dress she was wearing. His blue eyes were rid of all emotion and it was so scary. (Y/N) always knew he wasn't really up for letting his feelings show but this was the worst she's ever seen him. "'re scaring me..." She whimpered as she attempted to pull his hand away from her dress. Michael released hold of her before dropping his hand back in his lap.

"Would you hate me if I told you what I did?" Michael's question shocked (Y/N) but she stepped forward and sat beside him on the steps, still being a little cautious of him. Her hand gripped onto his and their eyes locked on each other's. "Mikey I'd never hate you..." She spoke. His eyes held a bit of happiness and he gripped onto her hand tighter.

"I killed them (Y/N)" he whispered into her ear and the little girl's eyes widened at the newfound confession.

(Y/N) gasped sharply as her (E/C) eyes opened to reveal a messy and worn down barn. She always relived that moment when she closed her eyes. She never thought she'd have to go through it again after the first time but it was no use. The memory haunted her. He haunted her. Her legs attempted to move but she noticed they were tied down to a small chair. Her arms were tied behind her as she groaned.

That was when she noticed him standing there. Over in the corner was an extremely tall man wearing a blue mechanic jumpsuit. It was dirty and so were his hands as one of them held the knife. It was then she noticed the blood seeping off of it and she started to freak out. He had a white emotionless mask over his face but she could see his eyes through the small holes in it. They were a bright blue.

She stopped her struggling as her (E/C) eyes gazed into the familiar blue ones. She knew those eyes, those haunting eyes. She knew immediately who this man was and she was even more terrified now. "Mikey...?" She whispered softly. The man froze in his spot upon hearing her voice and he slowly stepped forward until he reached her. His large and rough hand reached out to touch her cheek, the dirt and blood from them getting on her clean skin. She let out a shaky breath but he just tilted his head at her.

His hands grabbed at her wrist, messing with the small bracelet that was around it. "Mikey...How did you get out of Smith's Grove? They locked you away...I never saw you again. I-I missed you so much.." She whispered to him. His hand moved to cradle her face and his thumb wiped the tears away that were now falling down her cheeks. He shook his head and pulled away from her but her hand gripped the suit he was wearing.

"No. You're not leaving me're my best friend Michael" (Y/N) said sharply awaiting his reaction. He lifted the mask above his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before pulling it back down. He gripped his knife and left the barn but she knew he'd be back and she wasn't afraid. Not anymore.

"I'm glad you killed them Mikey, they treated you so badly" the small girl said to the blonde boy beside her as she held his hand with a smile. "Now we can be together. Forever" She giggled.

Michael Myers Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora