Pretty Little Man Killer (2007)

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Tried to get creative with my title. Thanks to sergeantfalloutboy for requesting this, you're a legend and my favorite Michael Myers fan to associate myself with 😋

The (H/C) haired woman sat in the back of the police car with a small grin on her face. She had just taken out a whole house full of disgusting men. She hated the male species ever since she had that terrible experience long ago, she's had this undeniable urge to just off them all from the world. They didn't deserve to breathe because in her eyes they were all the same. They'd never change and she'd never find one that was decent.

She watched the police man get into the driver's seat. Her eyes connected with his through the mirror and she gave him a wink. He only sighed and started to drive off, oh how she wanted to wipe that smile off of his horrid face. He didn't deserve to feel happiness. Not at all. She'd love to feel the warm crimson liquid on her hands, she wanted to hear his screams of pure agony. He deserved it after all.

"So are ya taking me to jail? I think it'd suit me" She spoke up with a soft giggle escaping her lips afterwards. His eyes connected with hers once more before he let out a dry laugh seemingly amused by this situation. She hated his laugh, she wanted him to burn. Her harsh glare sent his way didn't seem to faze him once.

"You're lucky that Loomis decided to take you under his wing, ain't the first time I've had a crazy motherfucker in that seat. Don't flatter yourself, hun" He replied bitterly. She just kept quiet and glared at him the whole journey.

They eventually arrived at the one and only Smith's Grove. The mental facility that was known for housing only the worst people in this world. They also had probably the worst security ever seeing as most patients manage to escape. She yawned out of boredom as the officer dragged her out of the car and into the building.

A man with greying hair stood there waiting for them. He had a bright smile on his face as he approached her. Why was he so fucking happy? She'd kill to wipe that smile right off his face, to feel his fear. 

"Hello there, dear. I'm Dr. Loomis, I'll be caring for you during your stay here at Smith's Grove. You aren't my only patient of course but you'll meet him later" The man spoke to her in a kind voice. She just stared at him as he guided her through a corridor that had several white doors all down it.

He stopped at one of them and opened it up, letting her walk inside. "Here we are. This is your room, (Y/N)" He told her and she just nodded before sitting herself down onto the very uncomfortable bed. He gave her one last smile before walking out and closing the door behind him. She heard the lock and sighed.

Not even a few minutes later, the same man walked back in and handcuffed her, walking her out of the room and into another one. It was bigger with a couple tables in it. Sat at one of them was a rather large man, not meaning he was fat, but he was just very built up. All she could see was his back. The hideous clothing they all had to wear and the long brown locks of hair.

She sat down beside him and that's when she got a glimpse of his facial features. He had on an orange mask and all she could see were his bright blue eyes that gazed into her with such intensity it had her caught in a trance. "This is Michael" Dr. Loomis spoke, breaking her eye contact with the male, however she could still feel his eyes on her.

"Michael, this is (Y/N). Be nice" The man warned the patient before sitting down in the middle of both of them. "Now, let us start with you, (Y/N). What drove you to start killing only the male species?" He asked her. Michael kept his gaze on her, stalking her and trying to figure her out. He was good at that.

"Nothing really...important. Just had a bad experience with a man and it made me want to kill them all" She replied, aware of a certain admirer. She choose to ignore his gaze though.

"I see...well I'll be right back. Play nice" Dr. Loomis smirked before leaving the room. (Y/N) glared at him before looking down at her hands once more.

"Play nice? This guy is a joke. I suppose most are though" She spoke absentmindedly. Michael listened to her, smirking to himself under the mask. She was definitely a character. His hand slowly moved over to hers and she watched him with wide eyes.

"Woah...what are you..." She stopped talking as she felt his hand rest over hers. He even gave her a gentle pat before moving his hand away. She looked over at him and slowly felt herself smile. For the first time, she met a male that didn't infuriate her.

"Friendly welcome" She grinned which made him tilt his head at her in amusement. "I think you're a keeper" She blew him a kiss.

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