Judith And Michael (2007)

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First appearance of Judith I believe, or maybe I've used her before but I have bad memory lol. By the way, this is short and rushed sorry I'm sleepy! 👻❤️. One more thing, for the Halloween special I'm gonna be doing on this book. Do you want it to be Kid Michael or Adult Michael? Let me know

"But mom! I don't want a babysitter! I'm old enough to watch myself" The little (H/C) haired girl complained to her mother as she just learned that there would be a babysitter watching her while her parents went out for the night. Her mother sighed and grabbed her daughter's hands.

"Things will be fine sweetie. Judith will take good care of you tonight, besides she tells me that she'll be bringing her younger brother along with her. I heard he's around your age" The older woman spoke happily to the girl hoping that she'd agree to this.

(Y/N) eventually sighed and agreed to let the babysitter watch over her which made her parents happy as they left the house soon after. The doorbell rang shortly after and the little girl was up on her feet and at the door, answering it. There stood a teenage girl wearing short black shorts and a yellow striped crop top that exposed her stomach. She had light brown hair that fell down to her shoulders in beautiful curls.

"Hey there. Name's Judith Myers, I'll be watching after your little ass tonight so behave yourself" She spoke with a slight attitude. There was already a hatred forming and (Y/N) had just met her. She just moved aside and allowed the slutty teen to enter her home. Behind her was a boy about her age that was taller than her. He had long blonde hair down to his shoulders and bright blue eyes. In his hands was a clown mask but he was wearing a black T-shirt with some jeans ripped at the knees.

"Oh yeah. That little freak is my brother, Michael Myers. Careful though I'm pretty sure he jacks off thinking of his pet rat" She said with an obnoxious laugh escaping her lips afterwards. (Y/N) took note of the boy's harsh glare directed at his sister before she allowed him to come inside, closing the door after him.

"You two can go fuck or whatever, I've gotta make a call" She dismissed as she walked off to the phone. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she looked down with a smile of shyness on her face. The boy, Michael, just grabbed her hand and sighed softly.

"Don't listen to her, she's always like this. So you're (Y/N)?" He asked her now wanting to change the subject. The girl nodded and then pulled him along to her room.

"Yep that's me! Wanna see my room?" She asked him happily while he just laughed at her enthusiasm. He walked inside of it and looked around at all her belongings.

"Very nice, my room is not as cute as this" He commented before sitting himself on her bed. "Your parents must be pretty cool if they got you all this stuff" He told her watching as she slowly sat herself down on the bed next to him.

"Well...not exactly. They go out every night and leave me here with a new babysitter every night. I'm usually alone" She told him sadly gasping as he grabbed onto her hand once more and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, you have me now. I'll be your friend" He replied while leaning in and kissing her on the cheek softly. She blushed lightly and smiled at him. She finally had a friend of her own.

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