Childhood Obsessions (part 2) (2007)

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this will have a part three that will have an interaction between Michael and the reader, sorry lmao

"W-What can you tell me about him?" Laurie questioned not bringing up the fact that she knew exactly who he was from a bad personal experience last Halloween. She didn't know what he was like as a child though so she was very eager to know some sort of information about him, something she could use against him as a weakness. She knew using (Y/N) was wrong but she needed to shift the attention off of herself for awhile and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Lots of things really...he was always a rather quiet boy. He liked to keep to himself most of the time because no one else really cared for him...but I did and I still do despite everything he's done" (Y/N) started now looking down at her shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the room. "He was tall for his age, blonde hair that was so well kept I was even jealous...his eyes were such a bright blue that I always got lost in them even if I was only around his age at the time, I was completely smitten over the thought of him and just...who he was" She added, now looking up at Laurie. Laurie listened to her intently, eager for her to continue.

"We were close but I was the only one who ever wanted to be close to him aside from his mother of course. Michael wasn't ordinary at all...he liked to experiment with animals and sometimes he even killed first I was a bit disturbed but I eventually looked past it because I had such a shameful crush on him.." (Y/N) laughed bitterly.

"He liked to be around me all the time because I was the only one who truly got him and he said that I was the only one who could calm him..." she told Laurie. "But...I apparently couldn't calm him enough because he killed three people halloween night...his older sister, Judith and her boyfriend but also his mother's boyfriend...and he looked so emotionless while they took him to the cop car..." (Y/N) said now feeling a tear roll down her cheek.

"What happened next?" Laurie asked her now sitting very close to her. (Y/N) got up and grabbed the small bracelet, putting it around her wrist and letting a small frown appear on her face. "Nothing. He was taken away to Smith's Grove and I never saw him again...sometimes I wonder if he ever misses me" (Y/N) told her.

The older woman shook away all of her thoughts and gave Laurie a fake smile. "Why did you wanna know all that?" She asked. Laurie bit her lip and slowly got up from the bed.

"Because he attacked me...last Halloween. That's why you're supposed to babysit me, (Y/N). Michael Myers escaped and he attacked me but he's still out there somewhere" Laurie told her with a bitter laugh. "And I can't let myself go through it again because it's all a game to him...a bitter game that never ends. He's the hunter and I was the prey but...not again. Not this time" She said before punching (Y/N) in the face and knocking her out.

Laurie dragged (Y/N)'s body outside and tied her to a tree before stepping back to admire her work. "This time...he'll want someone else. Someone he's missed dearly" She smirked as she left (Y/N)'s home, driving back to hers. She went inside and immediately noticed the dead bodies of her parents. She gasped as a knife was plunged into her chest, killing her immediately.

Michael stood there breathing heavily with his famous white mask over his face. He left the house quickly and wandered down the street emotionlessly looking for his next victim. He spotted a girl tied to a tree and he slowly approached her thinking she was another fan girl of him who would try to summon him which only led to death.

His rough hand went to grab her neck but his eyes scanned a small bracelet around her wrist. The glittery red M on it brought back so many memories that he thought were long forgotten. He looked at the girl and slowly cupped her cheek with his hand, recognizing her immediately. He felt anger but also a new emotion that he was sure he didn't feel anymore. He had missed her so much. (Y/N). The only one who was ever there for him, the only one who truly got him. His flower.

He untied her and swung her over his shoulder, preparing the journey back to his small barn. His hand clutched the small bracelet that was made by him years ago.

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