Sheriff's Daughter (2007)

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Lmao I lied, I have a small update for you all cuz you got me to 8k reads so I feel like this is deserved. Happy Monday!

The home was now so empty due to the murders committed tonight and police cars lined the place as flashing blue and red lights were the only visible sights and the screaming and crying of the young mother who had just dealt with a tragic loss could be heard. One of those policemen happened to be young (Y/N)'s father. He worked alongside Sheriff  Brackett and since no one was home, he had no choice but to bring her along with him.

He had told her to stay in the car but her curiosity got the better of her. She slowly and sneakily opened the car door and stepped outside now noticing how the aroma had changed drastically and the overall atmosphere was unsettling. She crept over to Brackett's car where she knew the young blonde boy was kept. Her head peered inside the window at the boy who was staring ahead at the seat in front of him.

"Hi!" She greeted with a small giggle. She was only 8 years old so it was hard for her to comprehend the tragedy that struck here tonight due to this same young boy. The boy's head turned slowly as he stared at her with the most blank and emotionless face she's ever seen. A frown etched itself onto her face as she pressed her small hands against the glass.

Arms went around her and lifted her away from the car. "Sweetie don't go near him please" Sheriff Brackett spoke as he pulled her aside and set her down. "He's done bad things, he won't be forgiven so easily" He told her. She felt eyes watching her and she knew it was the boy but that was the last she ever saw of him.

Of course his name never left her life because now as a 23 year old woman who still had a dad in the police force, things wouldn't ever be the normal. It had started when her dad got the task of being Brackett's partner for this investigation. One thing led to another and now her father had a whole back room full of evidence connecting to the Michael Myers case. It did unsettle her but she learned to accept it over time.

"Morning dad" (Y/N) greeted with a gentle smile on her face as she set some coffee down in front of him. "Long night?" She asked as her (E/C) eyes scanned all the paperwork that sat in front of him. She knew he didn't sleep much anymore due to him always having to piece this case together. It was honestly worrying her. He just gave her a nod which confirmed this to be true.

"Dad...I know that you just want to solve this case for the sake of Haddonfield but don't you think it's getting a little unhealthy?" She stated before sitting down beside him. "It's like you don't have time for your normal life...and you don't have time for me either" She sadly sighed. Her father's eyes met hers and he reached over to give her hand a gentle squeeze.

"You remind me of your mother, always used to scold me for this stuff as well" He laughed lightly. "But I'll be fine sweetheart, I just want to protect this town like it should be" He explained to her. This was something she did understand but she knew there was more to it. Ever since her mother died due to that break in long ago, he's never been the same. He has always tried to fight off the bad guys to avoid one of them taking her life as well.

"I know dad" She smiled as he stood up and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead before grabbing his hat. "Good because I'll be working late with Brackett tonight and I want you to please lock all the doors and make sure you stay safe tonight" He told her nervously.

"Dad, everything will be just fine. It's not like this Myers guy will come and attack me, He's been locked away for 15 years" She smiled softly before giving him a hug and watching him walk out of the house. She locked the door behind him and walked off to the kitchen, unaware of the dark looming figure that stood behind the tree, watching her.

A soft yawn escaped her lips as she ventured up the stairs, passing by the room her father kept. She stopped in the doorway and slowly turned on the light. She gasped as her eyes landed on so much evidence that connected to this case. He even had the mask from that very night, it was worn out and a little damaged from the years of it sitting in here but the same horror filled feeling came from it.

She reached forward and picked it up in her hands, examining it. "Who even uses this stupid thing to kill people with?" She muttered to herself before putting it down and walking out of the room. Loud footsteps echoed behind her and she stopped in her tracks.

She turned around but saw nothing there. "W-Who's there?" She called out fearfully but she didn't get any responses. Her head turned back around as she slowly walked to her bedroom, crawling into her bed and falling asleep.

She was woken up hours later by a loud noise coming from down the hallway. It sounded like someone was carelessly throwing stuff around in the evidence room. Her bare feet touched the cold ground as she got up and slowly made her way down the hallway. She took note of the light being on and the stuff that littered the halls. She knew her father wouldn't be the one to do this.

Her body froze as she stopped in the doorway, seeing a large frame standing inside the room. He wore a dirty blue jumpsuit that was obviously blood stained. She couldn't see his face but she could see the long brown hair falling to his shoulders. The metal glint of the knife shone through the room as he clutched it in his hand. He had been the one to break in and rummage through everything.

His hands finally settled on the emotionless white mask as he lifted it up to examine it. She saw a thin orange mask fall down to the ground with a small thump as he switched it for the white mask he held in his hands. It fit almost perfectly on him which was a little terrifying. It was like it had been made for him. A small gasp escaped her lips which alerted the male as he turned to face her.

His bright blue eyes gazed at hers from through the mask. There was something about them though and she swore she's seen them before. Those emotionless cold eyes that seemed to be only planning her death. They held no remorse and no feeling. That's when she knew she was staring into the eyes of him. That same little blonde boy who was now a man.

"M-Michael..?" She asked as her voice shook from her fear. The male tilted his head at her before he took slow, taunting steps towards her. She backed up and quickly ran down the stairs with a small scream as she heard his slow approaching footsteps. Her feet brought her into the kitchen and she screamed once more upon seeing the dead bodies of various animals laying in her kitchen. Blood pooled on the floor and it spelt out a name. Her name.

Arms grabbed her around the waist and she was pulled back against a firm chest. The cold metal of his knife grazed across her neck as he prepared to end her life. "Please don't do this remember me don't you? I was the girl who came to see you that night and the one who stayed with you in the station..." She whimpered.

His arms only shoved her forward as the knife was removed from her neck. Her body slammed against the counter and she felt one of the kitchen knives stab through her stomach area. A loud gasp escaped her lips as well as some blood. She slowly fell down onto the ground and held the wound now crying and staring up at him pleadingly. "Michael please!" She yelled fearfully but the sound of a gunshot was heard.

A few more were fired as the bullets flew through his chest rapidly. His body swayed as he dropped the knife and fell down on the ground now unmoving. Her (E/C) eyes glanced at the familiar ones of her father. He ran over to her and held her body close to his.

"(Y/N)!?! Stay with me, baby" He spoke with a soft cry escaping his lips. "Please I can't lose you too" He held his hand over the wound to keep pressure on it as he called for an ambulance and some backup. Her eyes were foggy as she saw Brackett enter the room and kneel at her side, holding onto her hand.

"Hey hun. It's Brackett, please stay awake help is coming" He told her gently while letting her squeeze his hand. He took the small walkie talkie in his hand and spoke into it. "Hey this is Sheriff Brackett, I need you all to come and take Myers body away please. And someone get into contact with Loomis" His voice was slightly strained as he spoke.

(Y/N)'s grip loosened as she felt her eyes slowly close, blackness overtaking her quickly. She didn't feel anything anymore, now she felt at peace for the first time.

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