Smith's Grove Murder (2007)

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"Nurses, please stay with Michael until I get back. I'm trusting the two of you with him but please do not do anything to set him off...he may seem calmer as an adult but I assure you, the rage he had as a kid still lingers" Dr. Loomis informed the two best nurses in the facility. (Y/N) had been here for a month but she's already learned much about everything and even the horrid things Michael had done.

Janet, the other nurse, wasn't so keen on following orders around here. She had just arrived two days ago and her 18 year old mind didn't quite register what following rules meant. She looked at the doctor and gave a quick nod of her head while (Y/N) sent the older man a smile. He returned it before walking out of the building, leaving the two nurses to start making their way towards the room Michael was in.

"That old twat can lay off, I don't take orders from anyone" Janet spoke with a scoff which made the other female roll her eyes. (Y/N) looked at her with a look of annoyance on her features.

"Well when you have a job, it's kinda mandatory Janet" (Y/N) told her while they stopped at a door. Janet only gave her a soft smirk.

"Well I don't give a fuck, besides all we do is work with the freak show in there. Not worth our time If you ask me" Janet laughed while twirling a piece of her hair around her finger.

"It's a good thing I didn't ask you then" (Y/N) snapped before unlocking the door and stepping inside the white room that had only one window in it. It was a meeting room where Dr. Loomis would talk to Michael. The now tall and fully matured man was sitting at the table with his hands chained and his legs too.

"Hello Michael" (Y/N) greeted as she sent him a gentle smile. "We're here to look after you for Dr. Loomis. I'm sure you remember the times I've done this with you, you remember Janet too I assume" She spoke to him. His blue eyes traveled over the woman's body before they moved over to Janet and he held his dark gaze on her.

(Y/N) sat down beside him and gently placed her hand over his. "I know you've been here for awhile but I hope everything works out for you, I'm not here to call you a devil like everyone else does" She told him while keeping her (E/C) eyes locked on his blue ones. His eyes seemed to soften at her words before his body relaxed and the tension in his hand went away.

"Oh my god! Are you kidding me?" Janet laughed loudly now breaking the eye contact the two were sharing. "Don't tell me you have feelings for this freak! I bet you're just dying to know what's underneath those worn out asylum rags he's wearing!" She laughed louder like it was the funniest thing.

Michael didn't think any of it was funny.

(Y/N)'s gaze shifted onto her feet as the smile dropped from her face. Michael clenched his hands together waiting for the idiotic girl to spew more nonsense, and of course she did. "I mean come on, he's practically a man child. He even wears those dumb masks, why do you find that attractive?" Janet continued on, her words finally making Michael snap.

In one swift movement, he broke the chains around his hands and legs before standing up showing off his full height. (Y/N) gasped and stood up as well, just staring at him. "Woah big guy, take it easy. Did I insult your girlfriend?" Janet giggled. Michael growled with anger before he stomped over to Janet and lifted her by her neck.

Janet gasped and felt the air being stopped from entering her. She thrashed and tried to kick at him but he slammed her up against the wall and without a second thought, he threw her out of the window making a loud smashing sound go off. (Y/N) covered herself with a soft scream as glass flew everywhere. She got up and ran over to the broken window, looking out of it.

They were pretty high up and all she could see was the lifeless body of Janet and the small pool of blood around her. (Y/N) covered her mouth and felt tears escape her eyes but she also felt a presence behind her. Michael grabbed the girl around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug.

"L-Let go of me!" She yelled at him fearfully making the man freeze in his spot. He growled and slammed her against the wall, pinning her hands above her head. "'re hurting me!" She cried softly but the man only became angrier. He harshly slapped her and she went tumbling to the ground, now unconscious.

He stood over her and tilted his head gently at her body.

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