Six Feet Under (part 2) (2007)

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Got a request for a part two, hope you enjoy! :3

Michael wandered through the forest like he always did when he wanted to escape the harsh reality of his home life. If you didn't know the broken blonde boy on a personal level, than you wouldn't know what his home life was like. The torment from his older sister Judith and from his stepfather Ronnie. He needed the fresh air at times like these. The bruise from Wesley was still imprinted onto his pale cheek.

Michael sat in the dark and cold basement of his former home. He was all by himself which he didn't ever think would happen. When he broke out of the asylum, he expected to find his childhood friend and reunite with her. He didn't expect to see her again when she was six feet under. Her death really surprised him but he had learned that it was from a car crash. He never wanted her of all people to suffer that way.

He stopped in his tracks as he heard footsteps from behind him. Michael had always been super smart with his ears and just in general with his mind. He could always scope things out, even when people weren't aware. He knew who was behind him because he heard her gentle breaths and the way her small feet hit the dirt below them. His (Y/N) had followed.

The memories ran through Michael's mind so very quickly as he kept himself in the basement with just him and his horrible thoughts. He was alone with his mind and this time there was no (Y/N) to bring that familiar comfort to settle him. He didn't have her anymore. The shape was truly alone now and that terrified him more than anything.

"M-Mikey" (Y/N) panted as she caught up with the blonde. "Wait a minute please..." She let out a rasped breath and Michael instantly felt guilty. He knew she always had problems with asthma and it was hard for her to run as her lungs collapsed inside her frail and smaller body. That's how she always got free of the runs they had to do at school. Michael kept himself out of it most of the time to be with her. It was always about her.

Michael would give anything to hold the small and frail girl in his arms once more. She'd now be a woman that he could cherish and love in the way she deserved. That was when he remembered who he was and what he was about. His was Michael Audrey Myers and his whole being was made up of pure evil. There was never any love inside of him because that emotion felt so foreign nowadays. She could bring it out within him but it was always weak. She honestly deserved better.

"Y-You know it's bad for me to run that...f-far" (Y/N)'s eyes held harsh tears as she wiped them away and breathed. "But I had to see you...I had to say I'm sorry for everything because I may not have been able to do anything to Wesley but I wouldn't need to" She told him. "I could always take care of you afterwards, it won't be bad forever because one day you'll be free of it" She smiled gently.

That precious girl didn't know how right she was at that moment. Michael would one day be free of it but it wouldn't happen the way she saw it. Things would go so far downhill and he wouldn't be able to stop it. He didn't want to stop it. This rage overtook him and he liked every single moment. His hands rested on his knees as another part of the memory ran through him.

"Flower..." Michael frowned. "I am so sorry...come here" He opened his arms and let out a deep sigh as the girl immediately collapsed within their warm embrace. "I know that you'd always take care of me and I appreciate that but..I see the way they look at you and talk to you" He told her. "They know it's bad for you to be hanging around with me" He held her tighter. The girl held him so tight at that moment. She'd already told him that she didn't care what they thought.

Michael stood up and pulled on that familiar white mask. He'd make sure to leave a harsh reminder on this town of just who (Y/N) (L/N) was. Her memory would forever live inside this town and he'd make sure of it. His girl would shine even below the earth. His hand clutched the knife tighter and he ventured out of the home.

They'd know fear and pain, the same one he felt when faced with his girl's death. Michael Myers is home.

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