Flashbacks (2007)

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Hey y'all, I got a question for you because I'm curious and you don't have to answer but I'd actually like to know. So far, what is your favorite chapter from this book and why? 🤔❤️

The (H/C) haired girl came to a stop by the school steps as she gazed sneakily at the blonde boy sitting atop of them. She knew that he was the outcast boy and he liked to be alone mostly for reasons she still wasn't sure of. She's wanted to speak to him since she first arrived but with her nerves constantly bugging her, it was kind of hard to get even the slightest bit close.

Machines beeped loudly as the body of the (H/C) haired girl rested in the small white bed. Her leg was bandaged along with her forehead and she was missing a finger. Blood stained every surface of her body from the horrid events of earlier in the night. No one could have guessed that she was who he'd go for once he escaped. No one knew he'd attack as brutal as he did but here her body lay, as evidence of that. She was barely hanging onto life at this point.

She took slow steps towards the boy with her black flats making noise as she took each step. The space between them was closing and that was when the nerves started getting to her. It was a bold thing for her to do because she knew that no one else dared to approach him but she had been a curious child all her life. His blonde locks of hair blew with the gentle breeze and she found herself getting mesmerized by them.

"This wasn't expected to happen, we couldn't stop it from occurring because it was so unexpected" Sheriff Brackett spoke to the killer's former doctor as they both stood by the female's bedside. Dr. Loomis had been rather quiet and he seemed to hold tons of guilt. It was his patient who got out and caused terror on this town and on this girl. He had to pay for it in a way.

"What do you want?" The boy spoke rather angrily as his hands visibly started to shake from the close contact they now had. The girl had gotten dangerously close to him now as she sat down beside him on the steps. There was a reason why he closed himself off from everyone here and she was totally disrupting that. If she didn't see the dangers of hanging around him, he'd make her see.

"Michael's actions are entirely unpredictable" Dr. Loomis started as he let his eyes roam over the bandages on her body and the blood that stained her once flawless and innocent skin. "They've always been since I've met him all those years ago" He told Brackett. "There's not much you can do to stop him but I got there just in time...fired a couple rounds which kept him contained for the most part until she...finished it off" He stated.

"Uh...I just wanted to say hi..." The girl started. "I can see that you don't like to talk much but I don't judge like the others do" She gave him her best smile but he only gazed at her from under those long locks of hair. She noticed he liked to hide his face most of the time which was so confusing but she hoped to change that in a way. "Maybe we can be friends" She smiled.

"She's the one who shot him in the face?" Brackett asked with wide eyes. "Damn" He commented. Dr. Loomis remained silent as he guiltily looked at the mess his former patient made upon her. Every scar was caused by someone who he thought would be contained until he died out. That was the plan, it had always been. He should have known that Michael was smarter than that. When he wanted something, he saw to it that he got it.

"I don't...make friends" He told her while looking down at his hands that were still shaking. "You don't understand...I can't" He spoke. She didn't know what went on when he was at home and she certainly didn't know what he was capable of doing. "Haven't you noticed why no one hangs around with me?" He asked her. "I'm gone...I can't come back" He whispered. The girl kept her wide and curious eyes trained on him the entire time.

It had been hours after Brackett announced that he had to return to the station to sort things out. Dr. Loomis made the choice to stay with the (H/C) haired girl because he felt like he owed her that much. She was attacked by someone so evil that he couldn't even barely put it into words. There was no feeling within those eyes and he felt bad that she had to be exposed to them. This would surely haunt her for a long time but there was still some things that he didn't understand about all this. Why did Michael hesitate to kill her?

"Well I want to hang around you" She told him. "I see how they treat you and I don't believe in bullying" Her voice came out firmly as she reached over to hold his hand. His fingers were cold as they loosely locked with hers but his heart felt warmer than ever. They held hands yet their eyes each held a different emotion. The girl's stored happiness and innocence while the boy's stored anger and surprise. Someone had actually stayed long enough to hear him out. "I'm Michael" He told her now becoming more comfortable around her.

Dr. Loomis was very happy that the killer did hesitate but he just wanted to know why. Michael was pure evil and he never cared when he took someone's life, it was like second nature for him. For some odd reason though, he didn't want to kill this girl. She was someone he held close and that only made things even more confusing. He didn't seem to care that he injured her because in that moment all he wanted was her to cooperate and let him take her. That's when he realized that the killer wasn't dead and he surely would be coming back to take what he was positive he owned.

"That's a cute name" She giggled. "I'm (Y/N) and I can tell we'll be friends forever" Her childlike innocence made those words escape from her lips but she didn't know that Michael took them literally and he'd make sure it happened.

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