The Quiet Boy (2007)

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Look at lil Daeg. Such a damn cutie 😋

"Come on, you're gonna be just fine (Y/N) and I'll be here to pick you back up later" The girl's mother attempted to reassure her as they stopped outside the school building. (Y/N) trembled and curled up in her seat now extremely overwhelmed by her nerves.

"But momma...I'm the new kid once again and no one's gonna like me" She whimpered softly but her mother laid a gentle hand on her back.

"Oh sweetie don't talk like that, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends because you're such a sweet girl" Her mother spoke brightly which made the little girl smile a bit as she started to feel much better. She nodded and hugged her mother tightly before getting out of the car and walking inside.

She immediately saw all types of kids scattered about which made her nerves start up again as she looked around everywhere else instead of watching where she was walking. This resulted in her smacking into another body and falling down on her bottom. She gasped and looked up at the taller blonde boy who stood before her. His blue eyes were filled with concern as he came closer to her and held his hand out but he didn't say anything.

"I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) mumbled out an apology but the boy just shook his head and pulled her up off the ground. "I'm (Y/N)" She told him while smiling shyly. The boy kept his emotionless glance but he just nodded and watched as a couple other boys walked by.

"Oh look, it's Mikey the freak! Looks like he found himself a freak girlfriend too!" One of them teased which made the others laugh loudly. (Y/N) watched the boy lower his head as his blonde locks covered his face. He pushed past her and walked off before she could say anything.

She frowned and walked ahead to find her classroom. She had a pretty normal class which made her nerves slightly better. She got up once the bell rang to dismiss them. Her feet paced quickly through the halls as she attempted to search for that blonde boy she had bumped into when she first arrived. Her heart made it a mission to see if he was okay.

She spotted him sitting near a tree seemingly waiting for someone. His hood was up over his head and he stared at his feet. She slowly walked over and stood beside him feeling him slightly tense up due to her closeness. "Hey...I know you're probably not in the mood to talk to anyone but those boys were so mean and I wanted to make sure you were okay" She told him.

The boy dropped his hood and turned his face to look at her. His beautiful blue eyes scanned her facial features before he let out a gentle sigh. "I'm fine" He finally spoke, his voice low and void of all emotion. She gently grabbed his hand which seemed to surprise him.

"You don't seem okay. Maybe we can hang out after school, I don't have any friends but you seem to be like me" She suggested. "But you must tell me your wonderful name, I bet it's adorable" She giggled which made him smile softly.

"Not really. My name is Michael" He replied. "It's nothing adorable or spectacular" He grinned. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him gently which made him freeze in his spot. He wasn't used to affection like this except for the occasional stuff from his mother.

"No way! You have the cutest name ever! I once had a turtle named Michael and I used to feed him cheese because I was like really young" She rambled softly. Michael smiled at her deciding that he found her extremely cute.

"Well I've never been compared to a turtle before. You're the first...I actually don't even like to talk this much" He admitted while slowly wrapping his arms around her. She closed her eyes feeling his warm embrace that calmed her nerves greatly. Perhaps it was the jacket he was wearing.

"You're warm" She commented which made him laugh softly. He hugged her tighter. His hands gently rested on her back as if he was afraid to hurt her.

"I like to think I'm cold, at least in my heart" He joked softly. She pulled away and held his hand, tugging him along through the woods. "Where are we going?" He asked her while letting her pull him along.

"To my secret place. You can join and it can be our special place now" She giggled. "I wanna be your friend forever!" She squealed. If only she had kept that promise.

Michael Myers Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora