When The Party's Over (2007)

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The (H/C) girl ran quickly up the wooden stairs as she neared a window. It was all over now. This was a dead end and she had nowhere to run to now. She heard the fast footsteps that were running close behind and the amused laugh that left the other female's lips.

"I knew you wouldn't get far" The female voice spoke with another laugh escaping. "How could you even believe you'd really be invited here for real?" Another laugh. "You're a loser" Firm voice. One she hasn't heard in so long. The female approached (Y/N) and it all seemed to happen so fast. Glass shattered and suddenly she felt as if she was falling. The air around blew through her hair as a scream erupted from her throat.

She had been pushed out of a window. This wasn't how she thought her life would end but apparently the world works in selfish ways. She felt her life flash before her eyes until suddenly it was all black and she saw and heard and felt nothing. For once.

No one at the party remained laughing as the tall frame of Michael Myers found his way inside. Screams drowned out the laughter and soon the male was standing at the window and looking down at the seemingly lifeless and bloody girl on the grass. He tilted his head and then walked down the stairs and outside where she was.

He knelt down and picked up her scarred body before walking off with her in his arms. Blue eyes gazed down at the female with curiosity and slight anger. The anger wasn't directed at her of course, rather at those selfish teenagers who caused this. In all honesty, Michael's anger was always all over the place and it caused him to just kill anyone he saw only he was smart about it.

He decided that killing her wouldn't benefit him but rather keeping her would.

(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she thought of was how she could have possibly survived that fall. She remembered feeling the life leave her body yet now she felt more alive than ever before. One glance at the silent male sitting across from her was enough to make a scream force itself past her blood stained lips.

The male was quick to slam her against the wall and cover her mouth. She breathed softly and stared at him with fear. That's when she saw the familiar fear in his eyes and she calmed herself down. Whoever this was, she felt strangely connected to him.

Maybe this was why she managed to cheat death.

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