The Girl (present day) (2007)

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Okay so first part was a mixture of present day and some flashbacks, this whole chapter will revolve around the present day events but I'll be updating another chapter that will hold the past events when they are kids, hope that's not too confusing haha!

"I-I don't like the new guard.." the woman's soft voice whispered out as she sat beside Michael. The blonde boy she once knew had now grown into a tall brown haired man. He still wore his masks much like always but now he didn't ever talk at all. When he was younger, he'd say a few words to her but now all vocal contact was cut off on his part. She was okay with that because she never found it in her nature to judge another.

Today she sat with Michael as all the patients were gathered in the eating hall. Her silent friend didn't touch a single item on the tray but (Y/N) picked at a few things since she tended to get weak really fast. Her (H/C) hair had been recently washed so it was nice and shiny. The whole time she felt the new intern's eyes on her and it made her extremely nervous. Her hands shook whenever she tried to grab one of the carrot sticks off her tray. It was not a nice feeling to be watched, especially in her condition.

"H-He's always watching me..." She told the silent male who kept his eyes on her which let her know he was listening. "I told Loomis but he can't really do anything since it's up to the boss to decide weather he gets fired or not" She rambled on nervously before feeling the silent male's hand place itself over her shaking one. His hand engulfed hers and it felt incredibly warm over her cold one. She closed her eyes and felt all the worries disappear from her mind.

This was often part of their interactions with one another. Every time (Y/N) felt herself becoming stressed or unwell at any moment, Michael would hold his hand over hers for a few minutes to calm her down. The silent male was never fond of human interaction ever since he arrived at this place. He only ever thought about ending their lives in various ways but whenever he was around the (H/C) haired girl, all that anger slightly melted away.

"Hey, girlie!" Kendall spoke suddenly as he appeared behind her. "I've gotta escort you somewhere so let's go" He mumbled in annoyance but the woman didn't react to his statement, instead she felt herself freeze in place. The sound of his voice alone was enough to send her into an even worse state of madness. She got bad vibes from this man and all she wanted was for it to be over. Finally.

As soon as he put his hand on her, that's when Michael broke from the chains and stood up angrily. The silent male grabbed Kendall by the neck and threw him against a nearby table that luckily didn't have anyone sitting at it. The table broke in half from the force of his throw but (Y/N) stood up and immediately wrapped her arms around the taller male to calm him. The two heard guards burst into the room along with Dr. Loomis but really all they cared about in that moment was each other.

"M-Michael...why'd you do that? Now they'll lock you away again in that room..." (Y/N) whimpered as she recalled the last time Michael was locked away and unable to see her for weeks. She just hoped that Loomis would do something to stop them from separating the two but it didn't look like he had much of a say as the burly men yanked the silent male away from the woman. (Y/N) cried and hugged herself as she watched them take her only friend away from her.

That was the last time she ever saw Michael because a few weeks later he escaped the asylum and left her behind.

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