The Young Loomis (1) (2007)

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It's about time I get an update out for this after it's been like months since I've done anything with it. It was originally completed but I have a bunch of extra space and it's bothering me so here we are :)
Thank you so much for the amount of love you show this trashy imagines book. I know I say that a lot but I'm really thankful that this is so popular because this is writing of mine that I'm not proud of.


"God, you're just as bad as your uncle! How many times do I gotta tell you to stay put?" Sheriff Brackett's angry tone didn't really do anything to sway the (e/c) eyed female into submission. Her spirit was always controlled by her overwhelming urge to be the hero, to scope out the scenes for trouble. It was Halloween night and all was going well for the most part. That was until young (Y/n) Loomis had overheard her uncle talking about a possible escaped patient. And not just any patient.

Michael Myers.

To say she was intrigued by him would be an understatement. She had snuck files from Smith's Grove and learned all about him, his nature drawing her in. Her uncle had been his therapist for years, ever since he was taken in at the age of 10 after killing three people on Halloween night. From what she gathered, it was his favorite holiday. He had a sister that was still alive and she had gathered that he was probably looking for her for a reason unknown to her.

(Y/n) gazed up at the older man with a huff escaping her lips. "But I can help! I-" her words were cut off by the sheriff putting his hand on her shoulder and smiling gently. He was a nice man but he didn't even really believe her uncle's claims of his former patient coming back to his hometown to kill anyone in sight. She knew that she could be of service to them even if her uncle himself didn't know or want her involved.

Brackett gave her a stern yet concerned look, his hand rubbing small circles on her shoulder. "Look...we are just trying to keep you safe. If not from the alleged murderer on the loose, then from your uncle himself. You have to trust me, (Y/n)." His words greatly confused her. In what circumstances would she need to be protected from her own uncle?

With that, Brackett turned around and walked out of the office door. Her eyes widened when she heard a lock click and soon enough his footsteps faded down the hall. He had locked her inside! (Y/n) ran to the door and tried her best to twist the handle but it was indeed locked.

"Wait! Come back..! It's not safe" She yelled but no one ever answered her cries.


The streets of Haddonfield had only looked darker during this cold October night. There was definitely an eerie feeling in the air that Brackett immediately picked up on. He kept driving however as he was told to meet up with Loomis at a gun store. Shaking his head a bit, he sighed to himself.

He was definitely glad that he locked Sam's niece in his office. Poor girl would never have a normal life living in this family, not when she constantly tried to involve herself in reckless things. She was only 21 and had a full life ahead of her that he didn't want her to waste going on wild goose chases with her crazy uncle.

It was no secret to Haddonfield that Dr. Samuel Loomis was a bit off his rocker. Everyone was certain he lost a few screws after years of basically holding Michael Myers captive to get him to speak. Brackett wasn't sure what was so important about him speaking, clearly the child had problems and he just didn't see Sam's tactics as helpful.

When the town had picked up on Sam's only relative in town being his young niece, (Y/n), they practically deemed her insane too. It was just because she shared that last name but upon meeting her, Brackett was aware that she was nothing like Sam.

The same Sam that was currently pacing outside of a gun store when he had pulled up. Brackett exited his car and then slowly walked up to him, a frown littering his face.

"Have you lost your damn mind?" Brackett scoffed.

Loomis locked eyes with him and he face turned deathly serious. It had freaked Brackett out but only slightly. "Death has come to your little town, sheriff. Evil is here!" Sam's panicked voice quivered as he grabbed Brackett's shoulders in order to shake him.

Brackett pushed the doctor away from him and began walking back towards his car. Clearly this was a waste of time. "You sound like you're talking about the devil." He commented with his back turned. This seemed to only anger and frustrate the doc even more.

"Well perhaps I am!" Sam's outburst had stopped the sheriff in his tracks and caused him to look back. "You need to listen to me because you don't understand the horror that is currently in your many people are going to be harmed if we do not stop him." Sam continued. Brackett had seen something different in his eyes that told him to become a believer in the doctor's crazy conspiracy.

"My niece...where is she? I need to know she's okay" Sam asked as the two got into Brackett's car. The girl was probably angered and freaked out that she was locked in the cramped office. Brackett nodded and then drove them back to the station so that they could find her.

The ride was uneventful and when they had arrived back, Sam pointed out that Brackett's office window had been smashed.

"Shit." Was all he said.

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