Teenage Destruction (2009)

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So I used the second actor that played kid Michael as teenage Michael for this because to me, he looks like he's 17 idk why lol but deal with it

16 year old (Y/N) (L/N) has been trapped in Smith's Grove since she was 9 years old. Things never changed for her, if anything they just got worse. Over the years they hired a lot of new people and fired some too. Today she had been ordered to follow one of the new guards, Kendall, to the one big room where all the patients were kept. It was supposed to be where they could all interact but it didn't do much to help any of them.

"If you would walk faster, we'd already be there girl" Kendall complained much like he did all the time when he had to escort the teen girl places. She hated him with a burning passion because he was an asshole and she was pretty sure he felt up most of the female patients here which was utterly disgusting. She hoped everyday that they'd just fire him.

"I'm walking as fast as I can but my feet are chained together" She snapped rudely which made him yank her chains forward roughly. She gasped and looked at him. "What the hell?" She looked at him. He just smirked and acted as if he didn't do anything. She really hated him.

Eventually they arrived to the interaction area which was filled with every Smith's Grove patient to ever exist. It was like a mad house, literally. Her (E/C) drifted around the room until they landed on something rather interesting. Well more like someone.

17 year old Michael Myers was here.

She was surprised Loomis even let him breathe this long without yelling at him for something. He was considered the most dangerous person here but he looked so harmless all the time. Perhaps that's what made him so intimidating to the others around here. All the female patients talked about him while she just listened but didn't say anything.

They loved to talk about how attractive his long blonde strands of hair were and the secrets hidden behind his blue eyes. They had some pretty weird taste in men. It's not like anyone can get close to him since he's chained to every surface of this room. Loomis really took precautions there.

She smirked softly and checked to see if anyone was looking at her. Security around here was horrible so they got away with many things. She slowly walked over to where Michael was sitting. His gaze immediately landed on her as she sat down across from him.

"Sup?" She asked him watching as his eyes scanned over her face before he moved some of his hair from his face. She wasn't gonna lie, he had a very nice face.

"Hi" He replied shortly, his voice eerily calm. They ended up in an awkward silence for a bit before she decided to break it, realizing he wasn't much of a talker.

"Ya know, you're a popular topic to a lot of females around here" She commented with a small laugh. "I never got involved in their talks but from what I've heard, you're such an attractive blonde" She smirked.

This made him crack a small smile of amusement. He leaned back as much as the chains would allow him to before his blue eyes bore into hers once again. "Oh. I know" He replied. "I hear them all the time but I never pay any mind to it. After all, I'm not a looker" He shrugged.

She let out a soft gasp of surprise. "How dare you say that? And to think I was gonna start a beautiful Michael fan club" She laughed leaning forward before taking a strand of his shaggy blonde hair in between her fingers. "My, what a glorious head of hair you have" She joked.

"Oh yeah? I like yours too. Very beautiful" He winked which actually made warmth spread across her cheeks like a wildfire. She never had a boy compliment her before so this was new.

"Ha. Funny" She replied about to pull her hand back but he was quick to hold it in a gentle grip. She stared at him with wide eyes before nervously biting her lip. He didn't appear to be joking though.

"No I'm being serious. I don't pay attention to anyone around here usually but I think you're really pretty" He told her before he was forced back by Dr. Loomis. They must have thought he was trying to hurt her.

"Come on Michael. That's enough" The old doctor snapped before directing his glance over to the girl's. "I think you should leave. Good day, Ms. (L/N)" He told her before she was pulled away by Kendall.

She really wanted to see him again.

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