Monster He Became (2007)

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Michael is going to be 16 in this one :3 Reader is 15. Possible part two, let me know if you'd like one. I hope this wasn't terrible. Michael is also more talkative because he's still young just a head's up. Also isn't that picture just perfection?

"I-I don't want to do this..." The young teenager pleaded as she looked at her two friends with wide and fearful eyes. "Please don't make me" She whimpered but all they did was laugh and call her a wuss for trying to back out when they haven't even reached the asylum yet. One of her friends slung his arm around her shoulder and yanked her closer to him with a small grin on his face.

"Come on (Y/N), you know he's a myth anyways" He attempted to reassure her but as the situation settled on her, she grew increasingly more fearful. Not only was this horribly scary because they were messing with a mental unstable person but they could also get in trouble for trespassing. If only she never agreed to accept this stupid dare, she wouldn't be in this mess.

"B-But this isn't something to mess around with guys! And besides...we could go to jail for trespassing...o-or something.." She muttered out nervously but the two just shook their heads and shoved her towards the large building without much care to what she just said.

"Too bad. You already accepted the dare, Michael's waiting for ya (Y/N)!" One of the boys teased as they ran locked the gate behind her. They ran off laughing and she gasped as she realized that she had been played. Now she was locked in a mental hospital full of crazy and dangerous people. If Michael Myers was really here...she was so dead. He was highly dangerous.

She wrapped her arms around herself and snuck in the back entrance which was surprisingly opened. With a soft gasp, she ducked down behind a desk as two guards came walking down the hall chatting about something. How would she get past them? Surely they'd bust her.

"This place sucks. Not like we could do much if one of these crazies escapes...wouldn't be surprised if one did I mean this place is not even that secure" One of them scoffed and the other was quick to agree with a nod. They both ventured on forward and she made the move to dart into the opposite direction. Luckily they didn't seem to notice her as she wandered down the halls, hopefully not gaining attention of any patients behind the intimidating white doors.

She bit her lip and backed up into one of the white doors to catch her breath. A sudden bang on the door she was pressed against made her squeal and jump away from it. She walked further down the hall and noticed an open cell that housed a blonde teenage boy who was wrapped up in a straight jacket and staring right ahead.

She curiously walked into the cell and kept her (E/C) eyes trained on this individual who seemed to catch her temporary attention. His head turned and he glanced at her, the blankness in his bright blue eyes was enough to fully intimidate her. She stared at him and raised her arms up as if she was surrendering to him.

"H-Hi...I'm not gonna hurt you..." She whispered to him softly as the male just tilted his head at her and then looked ahead once more. He seemed very calm...and patient. It was very eerie in a way but she just shook it off and approached a table that held the name of the patient and information regarding him.

Her eyes widened when she realized who she was in the presence of. "M-Michael...Myers" Her voice came out fearfully as the male smirked and let his eyes fall back onto her. He turned his head to face her and shook his body a bit, some of his long blonde locks falling into his face.

"Yeah, you scared?" He asked without so much as a care in his voice. He picked up on the fear she felt and he thrived on it. It was so exciting to be in charge again and unsettle someone like this. "Tell you what. If you bust me out of here, I just might spare you" He grinned softly. "After all, your fear is certainly making me happy" He stared ahead again.

The girl swallowed nervously and grabbed the keys to his attire. She stepped in front of him and sighed softly. "Let's make this quick, I'm gonna get in so much trouble for this if I'm caught" She told him before successfully helping him escape. He stood up silently and grasped her wrist in his hand.

"Follow my lead" He smirked.

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