Halloween (2007)

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Legit didn't have anything planned just kinda rolling with it right now lmao 💙🔪 I tried

"I can take Lindsey home for you" (Y/N) offered with a bright smile on her face as she turned to look at her blonde friend. "It's Halloween after all, little Tommy needs someone to stay with him so the boogeyman doesn't come" She added with a small giggle.

Laurie smiled and nodded before resuming the movie she was watching with Tommy. "Alright, see ya in a bit dude" She told her friend. (Y/N) took the ginger girl's hand and slowly started to walk out of the house with her. She wrapped her sweater around the girl to keep her warm since it was chilly out.

"Do you think all that boogeyman stuff is real?" Lindsey asked softly breaking the comfortable silence they shared. Her question caught the older girl off guard but she knew how to answer because there was absolutely no way any of it was true.

"Of course it's not, sweetie. Tommy just loves to joke around like that" (Y/N) replied while ruffling the girl's hair and stopping at the front door. "Alright. You want me to walk you inside?" She asked before getting a soft nod from Lindsey. She assumed the girl had been scared from all that boogeyman nonsense.

(Y/N) slowly opened the door to the house and peered inside. "Annie? You here? Why are the lights off?" She nervously mumbled out the three questions before her hand reached for the nearby light switch. Once the light shone through the room, (Y/N) gasped while Lindsey let out a loud scream of fear.

Laying on the floor was Annie's now bloody and injured body. Her shirt was missing which exposed her top half as she cried from the pain in her face and body. (Y/N) turned to face Lindsey before she put her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Lindsey I need you to run back to Tommy's house, tell Laurie what happened and stay with her please. I'm gonna help Annie" She told the girl who nodded and quickly ran from the house. Her attention focused back on the bleeding teenager as she gently helped pull her up.

"Annie what happened? Can you tell me?" She asked softly while wiping some of the blood from the teen's cheek. She was severely shaken up at the moment so the chances of her responding were very slim. Annie took a deep breath before she leaned herself on (Y/N)'s shoulder. She screamed all of a sudden as she looked behind the girl.

"Look out!" She yelled but (Y/N) didn't have enough time to register as a rough hand gripped her hair and yanked her up into a sturdy chest. She cried out and closed her eyes as the man held her close, stroking her hair almost lovingly. Her (E/C) eyes opened only to be met with a emotionless white mask. Through the eye holes she saw sharp blue eyes observing her.

His filthy hand came up and ran through her (H/C) locks before he tilted his head at her and continued to hold her close to him. "P-Please..." She whimpered but the man brought his hand up over her mouth as they disappeared behind the door where it was dark. (Y/N) realized that Laurie had entered the home and was now helping Annie.

"Oh my god, Annie!" She cried. "Where's (Y/N)?" She asked while slowly helping the girl to her feet. Annie's face was so painful that she couldn't talk much at the moment but her brown eyes connected with (Y/N) fearfully before she was taken out of the house by Laurie.

The man shoved her aside and closed the door once the other girls were far from it. He slowly walked up to a body that was hanging from some string. It had a pumpkin head stuck on it and the killer was clearly amused as he twirled the body around and tilted his head at it. (Y/N) watched fearfully before her eyes widened in alarm.

"You're Michael...the one who escaped" She whispered softly which caught the killer's attention as he turned to face her, his emotions hidden well. He nodded and then slowly walked over to her as she backed up to meet the wall. "No please!" She cried softly.

Michael wiped her tears and then pulled her against him, trapping her inside his arms. His rough hands held her waist in a gentle and slight possessive manner as he inspected her features. He thought she had been the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on when he first started stalking her and Laurie. He had put this all together just for her and now she was too scared to accept his love.

His grip tightened on her waist as this thought angered him. "You're hurting me!" She cried which made him shove her backwards into the wall roughly. She gasped as her back collided with the rough wall. Her (E/C) eyes stared into his before she slowly moved forward, grabbing his masked face in her hands.

"I-I'm Sorry...I won't be bad just...don't hurt me" She whimpered softly before looking over at the door that opened without the killer knowing. Two police officers walked inside quietly as they observed the scene. She knew she had to distract the killer. "Do you want love? I can love you Michael..." She whispered. He seemed in a trance as he watched her.

She leaned forward slowly and pressed her lips against the ones on the mask as his blue eyes watched her the whole time. She pulled away and looked at him innocently. "See? That's why you stalked me right? You want love from a female?" She asked biting her lip. His hands reached up to touch her lips but they didn't get the chance to as a rapid number of bullets flew through Michael's body.

(Y/N) screamed and moved out of the way as his body slammed against the ground slowly. Cops approached her but all she could do was keep her gaze locked on Michael's body. She kept staring at him until a soft whisper escaped her lips.

"Happy Halloween Michael"

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