The Silent Group Member (2007)

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We can all agree that Michael is a lady killer right? See what I did there...? Alright I'll stop

"Now you just keep still back there, sunshine" One of the men stated as he gave the (H/C) haired girl a soft grin. He was the one driving whilst his partner stayed in the passenger seat holding some strange book. The girl was just minding her own business and walking home when these two kidnapped her. Now she was in this mess.

Her eyes shifted to the third male sitting beside her in the backseat. This one was completely still and silent while he had a hood covering his face from her view and he was wearing some type of hunting jacket with pants to match it. She could make out that he had gloves on his hands and heavy boots covering his feet. He interested her because unlike the other two, he didn't say anything to taunt her and he didn't even get out of the car while they took her.

"Ah I see you've met our newest member" The male driving stated again as he looked at her from through the mirror. "Yeah He doesn't talk and he's pretty calm, we found him walking on the street one night and we offered him a spot in our group" He explained. The girl noted the way the silent male finally moved, his head slowly turned to look at her before he tilted it.

"H-Hi...I'm (Y/N)" She whispered softly to avoid the other two hearing. He stared at her for a bit longer before turning his head back to face the window. She looked down at her tied hands and began to grow even more fearful of what would happen once the car stopped. Would they kill her?

"Oh you're probably wondering what's gonna happen" The driver let out a soft laugh. "Well basically you're gonna die and then we'll be able to sacrifice you" He smiled like it was all a big joke. The girl felt her heart speed up fearfully as she took the time to process his words. This cannot be happening.

Her eyes gazed over at the male beside her and that's when she saw his gloved hand reaching into his jacket pocket. Her eyes widened as she saw him pull out a knife. Would that be used on her? His eyes gazed over to her before he kept still. It was as if he was waiting for something.

The male was quick to move up and hold the knife against the driver's neck. (Y/N) watched with wide eyes as she slowly backed herself against the door. The driver let out a surprised gasp as his hands struggled to keep hold of the wheel because the silent male had pulled him back slightly.

Without much thought, the silent male had slit the throat of the driver which made the car start to serve until the passenger guy took control and pulled it over. The three were silent then.

"W-What the fuck was that?" The passenger guy said shakily as he looked over at the dead body of his partner. The silent male didn't pay him any attention as he grabbed (Y/N)'s hands and brought the knife closer to them. She let out a soft squeak but all he did was cut the ties around them.

He then opened the car door and ventured off outside. He made his way over to the other side of the car as he started to attack the passenger guy. She closed her eyes gently to avoid seeing it happen again. He murdered people and felt totally okay with it. How could that be?

Her shaking fingers gripped the door's handle as she slowly opened it and stepped out, her feet slightly losing control of themselves as she saw the silent male pulling away from the car and turning to face her.

He didn't bother to acknowledge her, he just turned and slowly walked down the road. She didn't know where she was, so she followed after him slowly.

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