Ocean Eyes (2007)

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I have a newfound love for Billie Eilish

"You really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes"

She knew that he was going to come back because he always did. This was the twisted pattern, twisted game that he played with her continuously. She could never escape no matter how hard she tried because she refused to believe that they were bonded together in some sick form. She didn't want to believe that the only person worth putting herself around was him.

She was lost within him until all time seemed to slow and it was just them. He could make her cry for hours, days even. The horrid thing was that she could almost instantly forgive him and then collapse into his arms, feeling his blood stained hands go through her now horribly tangled locks of (H/C) hair.

She hated that he could calm her with almost anything he did but then he could break her just the same. Perhaps she was already so broken that it didn't matter anymore. Her eyes still scanned the doors of the worn out barn as she waited for the taller male to come back like she knew he would.

Sure enough, the silent killer pushed the barn doors open and walked inside. The only sound that could be heard were his heavy boots hitting the wooden floor beneath them. He seemed almost emotionless as his hood was pulled up to cover his face, much like it always was.

She knew he was always emotionless but this time it seemed different, it was like he was in a trance. It was at this moment that she found herself standing up and venturing over towards him. Her hand gently rested against his cheek from under the hood as his ocean blue eyes peered into hers from underneath it as well.

"What's wrong?" Her voice came out as barely a whisper but she knew he could hear her. His body seemed to freeze before he slowly placed his hand up and rested it over hers. These were the moments when he wasn't some sadistic killer who could do any type of damage without even thinking. He was just himself. He was just Michael.

But even he couldn't find himself anymore. His true self seemed to show whenever he was around her because she had some spell on him and it was the most infuriating thing. She was like a drug that he could never get sick of and it made him want to just do it. Kill her and be left on his own again where he could be the cold hearted killer he knew that he was.

His head tilted to the side before he shoved her away from him and took the spot in the corner of the barn. He didn't want her close because he was in a mood where he could hurt anyone, kill anybody. He didn't want her to get hurt because of him anymore. She was just some innocent girl that he kidnapped awhile back because he was stupid enough to think that someone could love him.

Like his mother used to.

Like Boo used to.

No one would ever love him again and this was something he just had to get through his troubled mind. As his ocean eyes gazed into hers, he saw fear but also calmness. She didn't seem too hurt by his attempts to close himself off because he did it so very often.

"No matter how much you make me cry..." She started. "I can't help myself from wanting to be near you" She whispered. Perhaps they broke each other in some messed up way.

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