7 : reserve my right •

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(A/N: Another update for this story. I know the story is progressing very slowly but I want to show how exactly their story begins. It is going to be a long journey but most fanfictions are slooowww. Alright? Is it okay with you guys? Or do you want me to speed up the events? Let me know but I find details more important, personally. According to me, dialogues do not form a story. They form a play. And this is a story. So I hope it's okay with you guys. Anyways, let me know. Would love to hear from you guys. :) Loads of love.)

Status : Edited


He was on the lookout on my sister's changing emotions, after which he popped up a small smile. "I love you too Nandini." He said, louder than me to ensure people heard us. After all, that was the whole point. My sister was assured enough, I believe, and she walked away leaving us to each other. 

Not three seconds after her departure, Manik's body language revoked me. I was thrashed along like a doll after the coast was clear. We were under a white, modern, silk shamiyana that was set-up outside to welcome the gathering. Punjabis had a signature of their own when it came to weddings, which I had high regards for. The white roses clinging to the fastened posts symbolised peace and serenity, none of which was going to prevail in the vicinity.  

Shoving me in front of him, he adjusted his sleeves. "What the fuck was that?" I saw his jaw clench jaw tight. I swear, if I were a man, my skull would be in two parts on the floor. I gulped, but being the 'flamboyant guest', I knew I would be in no trouble. 

"It was your lie, right? That you loved me? Pay for it." A crooked grimace took over him; his inviolated body sulked.

Long, warm fingers latched around my petite arm, perfectly wrapping around the circumference. He dragged me into his body, whiffing a little, and then began hastily breathing heavily. My heartbeats raised alarmingly. As I consciously scanned his sculpted abs, his sharp collarbone, "Listen Ms. Nandini Murthy, you have already touched trouble. Henceforth, your life will become hell." 

I smiled–can there be a hell mightier and more dangerous than the one I am in now? I was becoming someone I didn't know existed. The prodigious valour came from someplace secret. The affliction was peeling my layers off of me, revealing characteristics I never knew I possessed. "Let's see, Mr. Manik Malhotra." I crossed my arms and maintained my facial expressions. He was aggrieved to another level, and it pacified my ego to know that, well, I could cause chaos in someone's life too. He tried to intimidate me, and then released the squeeze on my arm. 

"Ugh. Drama Queen." He spat and shrugged his shoulders as he left the premises. I chuckled to myself. I had not only made the people I loved hate me, but also people who didn't know me. Wow Nandini Murthy. Congratulations.

I was indifferent to everything; rather I should say, I was too hurt to care about anything else. That's why they say: never get too attached, it'll kill you bit by bit. 

I headed to the dinner hall to fill my insides with the disreputable Punjabi cuisine. How the hell can I miss a food event on my wedding! How fortunate for my relatives to have saved a place for me right next to... Manik's! Manik was sitting on one of the plastic chairs, smirking and doing what not with my cousins.

I really couldn't care less, as long as he didn't bring a nuisance warrant along. I sat where I had to and sensing me around him, he shifted uncomfortably. The repulsion was so evident, even owls could see through it in broad daylight. 

"Hey. What's your name, beautiful?" He slid his hand into hers and kissed it. The others hooted and I rolled my eyes. Pretentious asshole. 

Married To Mr. Malhotra #1 ✓ (2016)Where stories live. Discover now