Chapter-57: Mr. and Mrs. Hotness

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(A/N: Yo girls and fellow guys! 🙈 I just realized that about 88% of the people reading my story are girls in the age group of 14-22 and that's so cool! 😍 Thank you so much for your support. Now the important part.
There's a Fanfiction Awards contest being conducted by @fanfictionawards2017. I really hope you guys vote for the stories of mine you like. Just in-line comment and tag me and my story in that. It'll be such a huge help. Thank you so much. Lots of love. Vote and comment, okay? ❤️)


I was stranded in the middle of the road with nowhere to go. First of all, I was in a new country. Every place here seemed the same. I didn't know where I was. All I could see was some traffic and some lively streets. God! What will I do?

If Manik was here, I'd at least feel safe. Shut up, don't think about him. I started fumbling to myself about the possible things I could do in that country with zero cash and within a moment, I got an answer. Nothing.

I checked the time on my phone again. 8:04. I still had three hours until the entry to the bar would charge me. But from where in the world would I find that bar? It was a mildly cold night and I was cold and sticky with all that wet sand on me. I started walking aimlessly, trying hard not to cry. Manik was a jackass. He doesn't deserve your tears.

I passed by a few stores and streets, hunting for something that could get me back to the hotel. I instantly regretted my impulsiveness. If I had shut up and just ignored that drunk guy, I would've been in a warmer, comfortable place. It's all because of him.

I propped myself on the sand, vigorously rubbing my arms. Just then, my phone buzzed and actually to my surprise, it was Cabir. I accepted the call.


Manik was struggling to keep his balance. He ordered the driver to stop the car the moment his senses registered I wasn't there anymore. He wanted to get me back. He shoved some money onto him and stumbled out of the car.

He was subconsciously trying to understand what was going on. His arms were flapping in the air for no specific reason as he tried to gain balance and make himself feel secure enough to search for me.

He stepped onto the footpath and leaned onto the wall, drained out of energy and on the verge of passing out. He cringed to see his phone. He tried to dial my number but his phone couldn't connect. He visioned me leaving him forever and his heart couldn't take it. He hit his fist to the wall and began to cry helplessly, unable to do anything to find me. He wasn't even in a position to understand where he was and finding me was close to impossible.

He sat on a little bench, sobbing and talking to himself. "She's gone. She left me. She doesn't love me. I hurt her. She'll never forgive me. Chali gayi hai voh... mujhse bahut dur."

A short woman with blonde shoulder-length hair sympathized with him. She stopped on her way and leaned to check on him.

"Are you alright, my boy?" She was a woman in her late 40s and for some reason, Manik found that motherly concern in her. He started crying loudly like a baby, blabbering or rather complaining to her.

"Meri jaan thi voh! Chali gayi. Kahan dhundu main usse? I can't remember anything." The woman couldn't understand much but she sat next to him, pat his face and tried to calm him down.

"Shh..." She cooed to soothe him. It suddenly hurt him more. He and I, we both knew if anything happened to either of us, we couldn't forgive ourselves ever. But Manik was so vulnerable and defenseless to do anything.

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