Prologue: A Misstep

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After much debate with myself I have finally decided to write this story, it was requested a while back and I had thought about it for a long time and I finally gave in. Hope you enjoy! 


Everything in life has a price that must be paid, but it cost Sakura Haruno her entire world. Now having no one to rely on but herself, Sakura must face this new world dominated with heroes, villains, and quirks. She also discovers that what she's paid for, has the potential to be worthwhile.



All she wanted was to be of help. To be strong enough to stand side by side with those who protected her and to return the favor. That was the only real desire for Sakura. And for a moment she thought she had succeeded. This was meant to be a great ending, where three friends united, fighting together in a war against a god-like being, saving the world, and more importantly each other. It was only supposed to take one touch to end this battle. And Sakura was willing to take the plunge as she had been paid little attention to and therefore was in the best position to strike and stall the opponent for a split second. That all they needed and she wanted to give it to them.

As usual, however, she didn't consider the price of her actions.

The Fourth Shinobi War. Her first war, and what she hoped would be her last. All ninja banned together, putting aside their histories to defeat a greater enemy. And after all the bloodshed and loss it looked like things were finally coming to an end. The final obstacle as it were; she, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi; her team, her friend's; her family. They were finally about to put an end to this war together.

Her strength was supposed to be near unrivaled, but of course, against something that was defined as a god, what did she expect? Still, it was satisfying when she brought her fist down on the horn of the white-haired women Kaguya. Hearing it crack.

"Now Naruto!" the raven-haired Uchiha called from her right, barely acknowledging her appearance, focused only on the task of sealing away the being between all of them. Naruto on her left striking the same extended pose as Sasuke as they drew near and finally their palms landing simultaneously on her shoulders.

'Finally,' Sakura couldn't believe it was over.

Or so she thought until a long line of silver filled her vision and a burning hot filling a chest, lined with a painful cold and her mouth filled with the taste of iron. She looked down at the heap of hair that had impaled her, so focused that she had missed the black behind her and had no choice but to fall back. Barely hearing her name being called with alarm. Likely for the last time.

There was lava in her sight, enclosed in darkness and rock, the heat hitting her without physical contact and then there was snow, an atmosphere of white and wind, instantly cooling her to the point where she wished for the heat again, there were mountains, a world of acid that threatened to splash all over her and then a desert where she could taste sand even from the air; it was all in passing surrounded with black as if they were pictures in frames. It was almost like when running, catching nothing but blurs only this time she could feel the environment of those images-and then nothing but darkness. Yet she continued to feel herself falling; her limbs incapable of movement against the force generated, her neck craned forcefully and painfully back. There was no time for her to breathe and what was left of her lungs were starting to burn after several minutes without oxygen.

'Am I going to die?'

She wasn't scared, as much as she was disappointed. It was like she had just been able to peer at the finish line before she tripped, blundered, and lost sight of it again. There were probably many others who had felt the same way. Maybe she would find some sympathizes on the other side. Maybe some of her comrades were waiting for her. Or maybe she was going to wake up all alone. Either way, she knew that she wouldn't be able to see Naruto or Sasuke. At least they would have a chance to keep living.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ