The Unexpected

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A lot can happen between today and tomorrow, Sakura understood this better than anyone. In that time frame, Sasuke and Naruto had gone from teammates to fighting like the worst of enemies. Sasuke went from being a ninja of Konohagakure to a rogue reaching for power in the worst of places. And team seven had been scattered for years just like that. And in an even shorter time frame, Sakura had lost her entire world and learned that there was another, similar to her own but very different.

Of course, the same principle applied here. Her head filing away today the information she had received the other day; and not just from school.

When nearing the gate, she was swarmed by the crowd of news reporters and cameramen holding up in front of the entrance to the school badgering students with questions about All Might.

The fact that he was going to be a teacher at U.A. was clearly a surprise and that just gave more incentive to get the full story of the situation. Since they couldn't find the number one hero himself, they decided to start searching for the students that he was educating.

"What's All Might like as a teacher?" A woman asked, shoving her microphone near Sakura's face waiting for a comment. She heard someone in the crowd.

"Isn't that girl the one who took down that villain Vihara?"

"That's right!"

"Look over there!" Sakura pretended to look over their heads, gasping "All Might!"

When the heads turned, she was able to step through the gate before they noticed she was gone and they wouldn't be able to get into the school without a pass, so it was satisfying to watch them from the frame of the gate fuming.


The classroom that had been buzzing with comments about the press, silenced the moment Shouta appeared. He commented on the combat training; mainly on the first match that had resulted in the heaviest injuries and damage to the building. Calling on Katsuki for acting like a seven-year-old and Izuku for breaking his arm-again. He didn't mention the other matches, since they had a more stable outcome and no one had to be sent to the nurse. Although they wanted to win, everyone had been trying not to harm their classmates.

While Izuku was able to evade and predict Katsuki's movements and attacks; the blonde showed to have great combat instinct.

Sakura didn't miss the way Shouta glared at her when he looked over the class but he didn't bring up her match. She was skating by easily enough and she didn't care about passing

"You need to pick your class representatives,"

This was a typical part of being back in a classroom setting, although Sakura never knew a case where an entire class was eager to take on the responsibilities. If this had been her class at the academy, everyone would be plastering their hands flat on the desk just so that they didn't accidentally volunteer themselves. One of the duties of the class representative included helping to maintain the students and monitor their behavior. Not exactly rewarding either.

So she was surprised when many of them sprung out of their seats, hands raised and waving eagerly to be chosen for the task. Almost every student. There was probably something she was missing. Tenya silenced the class and gave a brief lecture about the position of leadership and responsibility the class representative would have.

She just thought it was extra work. In the end, they had an election to decide; most students were likely to vote for themselves and that's apparently what made this system work since the ones who had more than one vote could be determined as the student that had the most trust. Even though they all only knew each other for two days.

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