Back to school

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Hello everyone! Here is your next chapter after your waiting and an update. I've started on my original stories so I've got even more work to occupy myself and I'm job hunting but don't worry I'll do my best not to fall behind here. Hope you enjoy!


'I should go home,'

Home. What a bitter thought, to consider the house with no furniture or picture frames on the wall her home. But that was the place she would be walking into after hours on a train. She reminded herself that she needed to go shopping as well since there wasn't much of anything left in the fridge. She would also have to do her homework for school that they had to assign even though they were supposed to be doing internships that-

'Since when have I started thinking about homework?' Sakura didn't do much of anything when it came to regular classes. While the others thought they were boring for hero course students, they still participated in responding to questions and doing the homework they were given. Sakura didn't bother much with anything. She took the exams with what she knew and what she heard in class, but she didn't touch a textbook or write a single note.

'Maybe I should start looking at another alternative,'

If only she could come up with one, but there was only one person she knew of that could teleport and he was a villain, because of where she stood right now, her enemy. He also worked with that psycho Tomura. If she tried to approach them, she would have to admit to being from another world. And it was no guarantee that it was even possible to open a portal back to her world like this. If Sakura used her chakra to enhance the teleport quirk, then she might have a chance, but she would have to risk exposure. And it was dangerous to do that with an enemy.

Her mind fogged her line of vision, as she stepped in front of her house. She forgot the corners she turned and the roads she crossed to get here, but she was back at that house. It seemed dim, even with the lights on....

"Why are the lights on?" Sakura put the key in and turned, only to find no resistance. "What the hell?"

The door nearly slammed off its hinges the way she pushed it open and there was a rustling flutter of feathers.

"Welcome back," Understanding that this wasn't a home invasion, Sakura's posture slackened almost completely. She didn't want to look at Keigo sitting over by the kitchen counter.

"Why are you here?"

Keigo took out his cell and showed off his call history. "When you don't reply to more than five missed calls and messages, I take that as a cry for attention. Also, you went missing more than twenty-four hours, be glad I didn't drag the commission into this,"

"They'd be on your ass about it not mine," Sakura bit out. On any other day, dealing with Keigo would be a mild inconvenience but this time it was bringing a splitting headache and chest pains. The one lead she had was for nothing and Sakura needed to start thinking of another plan. But she couldn't do that when the number three hero was present, currently taking out a bag of....

"Chicken pasta?"

"I brought dinner. Which has now become a midnight snack."

Sakura huffed, pulling off her hoody and discarding it on the floor, her shoes kicked off before she walked past Keigo and to her bedroom. And soon he heard the shower going on.


The water was almost scorching, but Sakura didn't want to adjust the temperature any further. She stood under and let the water beat down on her body. Extending the length of her hair past her shoulders-she had lost its usual choppy short length but couldn't be bothered to go to a hairdresser. Ino had been the one to manage all of her hair cuts after that first incident in the Forest of Death.

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