Tournament Dramatics

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Hello and welcome back everyone! Before we begin the next chapter, I want to thank Fanartistchy and Pulpjuice for supporting me on my ko-fi page, I really appreciate it. And I want to thank all my readers for the votes, reviews and follows. I am always thrilled to know there are so many who enjoy my stories and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Through observation, Sakura quickly learned that her classmates were truly enthusiastic and eccentric, each in their own ways but primarily tied to their desire to become heroes. This sports festival was one of the stepping stones to achieving that goal and was the reason they were pushing themselves and doing everything they could to stand out. Sakura just couldn't share that enthusiasm. She didn't want to be a hero in this world, she didn't even want to be in this world. So participating in the Sport's festival was more like an unnecessary chore than an opportunity. She was prepared to walk out of the ring in her first match and leave instead of becoming a spectacle, especially when she knew expectant eyes were watching her.

And yet when Hitoshi requested her to win; she didn't hesitate to say "Hell yeah," with a big smile.

Although this tournament, was like a paperweight to Sakura, it was still able to bring her back to the final stage of the chuunin exam. That time she had been in the spectator seat and it was Naruto and Sasuke who had to take the stage. She remembered the anxiety and excitement. And every time a match would take place, there was a reload of those feelings. Though when she stepped onto that stage, flames burning from the corners, she remained lost in those memories instead of focused on her first opponent. It was like knowing you were capable enough to dive to the bottom of the deep end, but being confined to the shallows.

'Alright moving onto the next round! Though she hasn't done much, she came in on top for the entrance exams, Sakura Haruno! Versus, also from the hero course the all-purpose creator! She was admitted through recommendations so her abilities are certified, Momo Yaoyorozu!"

Momo stood on the opposite side coming up the concrete stairs, a nervous glimmer in her eyes she couldn't shake, holding onto her wrist.

Being absent for the quirk assessment test, and barely showcasing any of her abilities during their training, Momo couldn't predict what the pinkette would do, what move she would make if she would even try to strike first. From what her classmates had revealed, Sakura was able to hold herself well against that bird villain who fought All Might, and she hurt the ringleader of the villains that attacked the USJ. That affirmed she was strong if not courageous.

Momo took another wide breath as her opponent stepped into the arena, unshaken. Not a care for the crowd's cheers, nor Hizashi's call out to them when they entered the arena, barely glanced Momo over, before a carefree smile graced her lips. It was soft, friendly but disturbed Momo.

'She's very focused,' Sakura thought, seeing how Momo's eyes were trembling from her observation. She was carefully sizing the kunoichi before the match even started. Momo was commendably smart, it was fitting to call her intelligence that of a genius, and her power was something that many shinobi would yearn for. Being able to produce as many weapons as they desired and so much more. Sakura was sure Tenten would have been ecstatic to hear about power like hers. However, Momo wouldn't be able to realize the difference in their fighting experience just by looking at Sakura. That type of intuition only came with the combat experience.

'She's thinking hard,' In fact, she was thinking so hard that she wasn't prepared for the teachers to call for the match to begin.

"Let the match begin!"

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