The First Day

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As an interloper to this world of heroes and still lacking in familiarity in the use of some of the modern conveniences which were not all that convenient to her. Sakura had fumbled greatly when she received her results from U.A. The projection startled her, with the image and voice of Present Mic then she failed to figure out how to turn off the hologram device and accidentally crushed it between her fingers when her temper got the best of her.

The written exam's results were as good as she could expect them to be. She didn't bother to cheat, and she didn't study either. She answered what she knew and took her best guess where she could. High marks were with maths, physics, and science while they eluded the languages and literature.

For the practical for the heroics exam; she placed first and had been accepted into the hero course. That's when she discovered that there weren't just villain points being tallied, but rescue points that were granted by judges observing the applicants. The giant robot worth zero points turned out to be a hidden mine for points. U.A. wanted to see who had it in them to protect and save others while being aware that they wouldn't receive anything in return. Although they did.

It surprised her that such a straightforward exam actually had more meaning behind it. Her actions of the rescue were praised more than her fighting ability. But after seeing her name on the board; her focus drifted to the one she didn't see.

"So how's Licht doing?"

"Eats, naps and sheds,"

"Okay, fulfilled," Sakura stirred her coffee for the fifth time, even though the sugar and cream had dissolved already. She looked around the cafe at the busy tables. Couple's eating side by side. A group of young girls giggling over everything; men and women coming in for their lunch break. All of it equated to high noise levels, but being the one who called up Hitoshi, insisting that they eat here, she didn't want to look like the tourist struggling to read the menu at the opposite table.

"You got first in the practical exam,"

"Yeah," Sakura's spoon clinked against the cup.

"It was that easy huh?"

For her, she could answer yes but it wasn't. "You can't brainwash machines,"

She heard a huff that was meant to be a dry chuckle, "I expected this to happen; though I didn't think you'd actually call me to check up after the results came out,"

This wasn't out of the sincerest reasons; but after the results came unexpected visitors showed up at her door from the Safety Commission to move her. Her current belongings were only three boxes, so she thought it wouldn't take her long to unpack and settle again; but soon after she had to spend hours with an agent lecturing her about her new home and the conditions she had to follow to keep it. There would be someone to check in on her once a week, on school nights she was expected to be at home by nine and would be receiving calls to ensure that that's where she was and she had to inform the commission beforehand if she was planning to stay out later.

That lecture alone was just the tip of the iceberg she wanted to destroy. Then she was told that in light of her actions, she was also expected to do community service. It was obvious that they were trying hard to keep a close watch on her to ensure she wouldn't run off while attempting to change her behavior.

So when there was going to be a second inspection the next day, Sakura said that she would be spending the day with a friend to prevent another unwanted visit for that day. Though she had also wanted to see Hitoshi as well.

Hitoshi took a sip of his drink, "I am still going to U.A."


"I already thought that something like this might happen. It's not out there to think that the heroics course would favor applicants with combat-based quirks, and have a test for it,"

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