Confrontation: Nighteye meets Sakura

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Hello fantastical readers! How have you been? I'm glad to have you back for another chapter! Now I'm not one who likes spoiling but tensions are getting high and there will be a lot more for you to look forward to in the future.

But for now read and enjoy.

Sakura's heart raced as she stood in the dimly lit room, surrounded by three imposing figures. Nighteye, the hero known for his foresight quirk, regarded her with his signature intensity, while Shouta and Tsukauchi wore stern expressions. Despite her bravado, Sakura couldn't deny the tension in the air, like a storm gathering on the horizon.

"Why are you here?" Sakura demanded, her voice laced with suspicion but no longer dripping with hostility.

Nighteye's gaze flickered between his companions before settling on Sakura. His voice was calm, almost soothing, in stark contrast to the situation. "We have a lot to discuss. But first, I need you to take a seat.

Sakura hesitated, her eyes darting from one hero to another. Her thoughts raced like a whirlwind, spinning with questions. The room felt stifling as they all sized each other up, the unspoken tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Tsukauchi, the detective, broke the silence.

"Have to say Haruno, you were not easy to track,"

"That was the point of leaving. How did you even find me?" Sakura asked.

Shouta, interjected with a hint of impatience, "You're the one who needs to answer questions here, Haruno,"

Sakura's defiant spirit flared up. "I don't need to do anything. I'm not your student, and I want to know what you've done with Eri."

Nighteye pushed up his glasses, his demeanor unfazed by Sakura's defiance. "She is safe."

Sakura's lips curled into a bitter smile, her skepticism still evident. "How ironic for you to say that after you just kidnapped her!"

Nighteye's calm exterior didn't waver as he pushed up his glasses, "We didn't kidnap the girl. We merely needed to ensure you wouldn't attempt to run away, Miss Haruno, or should I say Nemesis?"

Sakura's surprise at Nighteye's knowledge of her alter ego was well-hidden, but her train of thought was running through the track. How did he know?

Nighteye shifted the conversation back to Eri, his tone unwavering. "But to not get off subject, let's begin with this. Eri is safe and well. We will let you see her if you cooperate."

Sakura fought the urge to roll her eyes. Her concern for Eri outweighed her irritation at these heroes. She needed to see the young girl with her own eyes.

"Let's just get this over with," Sakura conceded, her voice carrying a resigned tone. She leaned back, crossing her arms, her posture mirroring indifference. "So, what do you want from me?"

Tsukauchi spoke up, his voice carrying the weight of authority and an underlying sense of urgency. "Haruno, we know that you are the underground fighter Nemesis, and we know that you've been in contact with Kai Chisaki, the leader of Shie Hassaikai. We need to know what you know about the organization."

Sakura's eyes narrowed, her guard still firmly in place. "How do you even know I'm this Nemesis?"

Tsukauchi and Shouta directed her to Nighteye, who began to explain the intricacies of his quirk. The ability to glimpse the future with a touch was a revelation to Sakura. It had allowed Nighteye to discover her true identity when she had saved him as Nemesis.

"That's when I learned the truth about your identity,"

And it was also how they knew to be here because he had looked this far into her future. Sakura hadn't expected something like this. Quirk's varied but she didn't know that some went to this extent.

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