Weekend with Hawks

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Hello everyone! Gosh this year is becoming such a ride, I'm amazed to have even made it this far and it's barely started. It's really been one thing after another. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!

There was a car parked in front of her house. She didn't know the make or model because she never bothered. All cars in this world were the same to her. Something she couldn't use so why bother learning about it?

"Who the hell is here?" Sakura and Shouta stepped out.

Sakura groaned, there was one person who had access to a house key beside her. Stepping passed Shouta, she entered the house and wasn't surprised to see the now number two hero in her kitchen bustling about with plates, empty food containers that looked like he was trying to disguise them as homemade, a few of his feathers flying around picking up salt and pepper she didn't even know she had in her pantry.

She looked back at Shouta, "Should we leave before he notices us?"

"Too late," Keigo said, turning around. His wings bristled slightly. "I thought you would be coming back a little later, but looks like I miscalculated,"

"What the hell is this?" Sakura blurted, stomping through the house.


"Why are you here!?"

Keigo explained that due to recent events, it was decided that Sakura shouldn't be left unsupervised for the weekend before she went back to school. "So for the time being-

"No," Sakura interjected, "You are not staying here with me!"

Shouta sighed, "I don't approve of this either, but as he is your assigned guard for the time being. I didn't think you would be here so soon though,"

Keigo grinned, "I wanted to surprise her,"

"This is a nightmare, I want to go back to the hospital,"

Keigo came around the counter over to Sakura, patting her on her head, "It's only two days, this is to make sure nothing happens to you, since you're the only one of your classmates that lives on their own..."

"Ridiculous," What hero could hope to protect her as well as she could protect herself? She could see more to this than what he was claiming, but since this was direct instruction of the Hero Public Safety Commission, Keigo was not going anywhere she wasn't.




'Why did he have to be here now?' Keigo's presence provoked her more than before with his routine visits and teasing and take-out meals of his favorite foods. Sakura would always know she didn't have to get anything for herself on the days he would appear, always without warning but it was routine. Until now.

She wanted to stare into her thoughts for hours, that was like endless white puzzle pieces she needed to put together in hopes of seeing a picture. But Keigo was the type who could easily pull her away from that plan. He really did have the eyes of a hawk. But he wouldn't release the facade he wore, no matter how many times she attempted to confront him on it. If Sakura wasn't trained in the arts herself, she wouldn't have noticed it. But Keigo never truly revealed his intentions. He could hold a smile with charm, but his eyes were guarded.

If Sakura hadn't been so cautious of him, she wouldn't have noticed. He wasn't bad company for her either. Despite his behavior. He was the only one who could give her the morals lecture without caring if she took it to heart. Sakura saw him as just doing what needed to be done, regardless of his own feelings.

Her finger's traced over the misshapen scar and tissue. It was smoother than it appeared. The texture was similar to that of a white Zetsu. She couldn't help but draw that correlation.

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