Seeing the World

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Chapter 48 Seeing the World.

Hello everyone! We're going through 2023 and I'd like to believe progress is being made. Of course it's not over yet and there are still plenty of things to come. I just hope my sanity can hold on. For all the short comings, this could be a good year for anime at least.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Eri stirred awake, their eyelids fluttering open greeting the morning sun that bathed the entire room. Eri sprang out of bed. Sakura showed her where to find all of her clothes and allowed her to pick out her own. It was intimidating to think about when all she had to wear was a worn-out white dress. But Sakura assured her that Eri could call if she was having trouble.

There weren't that many clothes but to Eri it was. She eventually found something that was comfortable and suited for the warm weather.

She wore

After a knock on the door, Eri heard the knock on the wood and saw Sakura waiting for her.

"Good morning,"

Eri's eyes shined, "Good morning,"




Sakura found that Eri didn't enjoy being idle which was like most children but unlike most children, she wanted to consume her time in being productive and helpful in the grinding tasks of the day, rather than leisurely playing. She wanted to help with chores in any way she could, despite Sakura's insistence that was and should be playing and exploring. But there was a sense of satisfaction that Eri experienced when she was able to help Sakura even with the smallest tasks. She was too cute for Sakura to turn away.

Sakura always tried to do things that would be enjoyable for her.

So for today, Sakura was taking Eri through the delicate steps of pancake creation.

Eri was in charge of mixing the ingredients, her movements reminiscent of a hesitant breeze trying to find its rhythm. But with Sakura's gentle guidance, Eri's confidence grew, each stroke of the whisk blending the ingredients.

Sakura and Eri stood side by side at the small hotplate, its warmth radiating like a tiny sun. Sakura's hand held over Eri's, as they flipped the pancakes together. The sizzle and pop of the batter meeting the heat became a harmonious duet.

"Smells nice...." Eri exhaled. Sakura smiled.

"Ready to flip?"


"One, two....three!" Sakura raised Eri's wrist and the pancake was in the air like a fish leaping out of water, flipping on the other side.

"Perfect landing!"




Seated at the quaint wooden table, Sakura and Eri found themselves captivated by the sight before them. Their plates, like vibrant works of art, boasted a colorful array of pancakes, adorned with a delicate cascade of juicy berries. Eri's eyes, as if harboring the very essence of anticipation, flickered with a restless eagerness.

With a contented sigh, Sakura settled into her seat. Her gaze met Eri's, filled with a mix of encouragement and anticipation.

"Okay, Eri, it's time for the taste test."

With her small hand clasping the fork like a brave knight grasping his sword. She tentatively brought a morsel to her lips. As the sweet taste of the pancakes mingled with the succulent strawberries, her eyes widened in wonder. It was more than a mere indulgence; it was a sensation that tickled her taste buds with joyous abandon.

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