Camp Interrupted

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Hello everyone! I'm back with another chapter for this story, nothing to really to say except I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm trying to properly divide my stories, but I've been occupied thanks to family matters.

What did the villains want with her and Katsuki? The two of them could be listed as the worst type to take hostage and yet the villains were trying quite insistingly. That seemed to be the whole point of their appearance.

Sakura's thoughts were running as she stakes out the forest from higher terrain. At the top of a fern tree, overlooking the blue flames burning hot on one side and visible poisonous gas on the other side. The gas seemed off. It wasn't spreading further than a certain distance, the same couldn't be said for the flames. She knew that Dabi had to be responsible for this.

'The poison, the gas, potentially injured students and rampaging villains,' Sakura heard rustling on the forest ground nearing her, preparing for a villain only to see the familiar mess of curls that was Izuku's.

He was coming back in the direction of the camp dorms, and he didn't look good.

"Izuku!" Sakura landed in front of the boy, taking in his injuries. His shirt was gone, so she could see the entirety of his injuries. His right arm was deeply bruised indicating a horrid breaking of bones, blood still running down the side of his face, and his left eye partially shut from swelling and bruising. "What happened?"

He didn't explain right away, rather he seemed relieved to see her, "Sakura, you're okay! I'm so glad, I thought maybe they got to you! I heard from that villain that-

"IZUKU," Sakura stomped her foot, breaking the ground like an alarm warning silence. She came over to him, placed her hands on his injured arm, and started to heal. "What happened?"

"There are villains here! They're after you and Kacchan! I fought one of them,"

"So they did this to you?" He was badly beaten, and both arms were injured. One was clearly from his quirk but she could tell that the other hadn't been self-inflicted. In terms of physical power alone, Izuku was on par with All Might having inherited the quirk, he just couldn't withstand the blowback. But he hadn't needed to be pushed to that limit since learning to control his output of power.

So whoever Izuku fought must've been strong enough to back him into that corner.

Izuku was still in a rush for things, Sakura almost regretted stopping him while his adrenaline was still high. He would be feeling the pain, and it could be enough to knock him unconscious. He didn't even want to sit still for a full healing session.

"It would take me a while to completely heal all these injuries, but-

"We don't have time!" Izuku insisted, "I have to tell Mandalay the message Aizawa-sensei told me, our classmates could be in danger if I don't! And I have to let Kacchan know that the villains are after him!"

"In your condition, the best thing to do would be to go back to the camp," Sakura hadn't seen any more villains, but she still had her clone over there as well.

"No," Izuku shook his head, "I've got to get the message to Mandalay so she can tell everyone. We're allowed to use our quirks to fight against the villains now,"

"Of course, those guys would wait for permission even if their lives were in danger," Sakura gritted out disdainfully. This is what convinced her they were nowhere near ready for real combat, a fight where you would do anything to take down the enemy. It wasn't an issue to operate within boundaries, but circumstances should also be a form of dictation and actions.

"I think that's enough Sakura," Izuku said stepping away. Sakura knew if she had to do a full treatment it would take too long and they needed to get moving. Their classmates' lives were on the line and the villains could be anywhere, they weren't even sure how many were lurking about.

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