On to Camp

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Hello, hello! It's time once again for another chapter. I've been doing a bit better, but I haven't gone to the doctor yet for that check up. Anyway, I have also been working on some new stories, especially originals and I hope to get those up and running before next year. I haven't been slacking on the other stories either, as long as they are on the profile it means it will continue!

Divine intervention is the direct and obvious intervention by god in the affairs of its creations or simply coincidence. Sakura didn't know which she believed in less, but this was certainly some kind of intervention. One that her foolish conscience refused to deflate.

Almost everyone from her class decided to go shopping in preparation for the training camp, but that had been a sinking ship as the League of villains made a return appearance. That's what Keigo had told Sakura when he called in a rush, and she had to fight him for nearly half an hour not to show back up at the house to check-in.

She hadn't gone with them, but only Izuku and Ochaco had a close encounter with one of the members, which was Tomura according to Keigo.

"I thought the league was only after All Might and other heroes, why are they coming after students?" From what she understood, all Tomura spoke about was taking down the number one hero and his hatred for the profession and those within, but students in training for becoming heroes seemed low priority in her opinion.

It didn't look like students would go sticking their necks out to peer into heroes' and villains' business from beyond their screens and textbooks because technically without a license, they were no different from civillians and disallowed to actively interact in this circle. So why were the villains going out of their way to enter a public space quietly to threaten the students of the U.A.?

"I don't know, maybe they want to send a message? Apparently only one of your classmates was in danger,"


"Yes, but he was in the mall alone at the time, but from what I understand the guy just ranted and didn't give any useful information,"

"So like a fanatic?"

"That's what we think. Unfortunately, this little stunt is causing an uproar and a big mess to clean,"

"All because they showed up without being noticed,"

It was ridiculous to think about how effective this had been, there were no outbreaks of battle or Nomu or an army of villains pouring out from nowhere and yet the authorities and heroes were pulled into a frenzy with the media closing in on them with a stink eye.

"The student's safety is now being called into question because there's speculation that the league is after you guys too,"

That was a complication because it wasn't just speculation. The league targeting the students at U.A. only pressed further into the idea that there might be a traitor amongst them, and now that it was clear the students were also targeted there would be a closer zoom in on the school and all of its members.

'Giran did try to call me in to the League,' Perhaps they were planning something, and it might have to do with the school again. Those villains may have been reckless, but they made an impact and by now they surely learned that All Might wasn't a force they could easily beat.

So what could they think to counter that?

'Assume they are looking for recruits again, does that mean they're going to try and attack the school?'

"Why do you think they're targeting us, Hawks?"

"I can't say, but I know they wanted to kill All Might, and that plan had been a bust, assume after the USJ you and your classmates got onto their bad side, villains can hold a grudge. Maybe they're waiting for the right time to sate it?"

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