The Internships

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Apologies for the late update, I know I said I'd get the next chapter up by the 30th but I'm not well again. I was able to get most of my work done ahead of time so it wasn't a big delay.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you're interested in reading the next chapter 1 MONTH (30 days before the next official update) Check out the special announcement at the end of the chapter.


"All of you had better of handed in your applications for the internships." Shouta reminded his class after the final bell went for the day.

"Yes sir." His students answered as he left. Although most of the class was staying behind to discuss their internships one more time. While Sakura packed up her books, she overheard Fumikage telling Hanta he was going to Hawks' agency.

"Good luck with that." She gave a whisper.

The interest and investment of their future were being projected through these internships. Her classmates had no preparation for disappointment in their expectations. Of course, it was heroes they were talking about. The diamonds of society. She thought after their villain encounter, her classmates would at least be a bit more aware of what they were stepping into for their future careers.

She had certainly underestimated her role when she started as a kunoichi, and that had almost cost her life on multiple occasions.

'Dress everything up in glamour that shines so bright you're blinded by what's underneath it all.'

This job description of heroes had a lot of parallels with a shinobi's, aside from the ridiculously high state of ethics and morals about human life and collateral damage.

Still, her classmates were behaving like this was going to be an effortless field trip down a filtered projection of what their lives would be after they graduate. Shouta said that they wouldn't be involved in battles, but Sakura thought that was a glass promise since they were going out into the real world.

'Maybe they don't even let the interns leave the agency.' She shook her head. 'I shouldn't be so worried.'

Yes, what triggered this train of thought was nothing more than unwarranted concern for her classmates. This world' system was foreign only to her, so she would analyze and hypothesis.

Even though she wouldn't be getting involved in these internships the way she was expected to.

Ochaco stood in front of her desk, her smile bright and strong. "Sakura where are you going for your internships?"

A few of their classmates went still to decrease the cluttering noise and listen for the answer of the winner of the Sports Festival.

"I asked Recovery Girl to take me as her intern."

Mina then stepped in, "Recovery Girl? Why?"

"Yeah, I thought for sure you'd go to some top-ten brawler," said Eijiro. "You got over a thousand offers. And did you say asked?"

"That's right, I went and asked if she would take me on as her intern."

Izuku also chided in, "With your quirk Sakura, I thought you'd go for a combat hero too. I didn't think to factor in your healing ability."

Sakura smirked, "Someone clearly forgot their broken bones at the USJ."

Izuku became flustered, believing he had somehow wronged the pink-haired kunoichi. She looked at Izuku's crooked fingers and hands, the bones protruding around the skin like the twigs of an oak tree. If she had been there to help, then she would've been able to set his hand correctly so it wouldn't heal in that manner.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن