An Offer She Wants To Refuse

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It seemed a little late for a ride to the police station for Sakura, but the insisting party wasn't going to give her any peace otherwise. Instead of making another escape, she chose to cooperate and learn how they managed to find her and what she could do in the future to avoid it. She sat in a white room, with a small table between her, the detective and hero. The light bearing down was too bright against the walls, and the emptiness made noises echo. She glanced at her reflection in the large mirror adjacent.


"Sakura," She hissed back, continuing to look away, hand under her chin proving her disinterest.

"Sakura," Tsukauchi started, "Okay we've got a lot to cover, so let's start with why you ran away?"

"Good start," Sakura said snarkily. "It was worth leaving my warm bed for,"

Shouta's eyes hardened, the tips of his hair lifted as if there was a breeze in the room, "Watch the attitude. You're already in trouble. And look at us when we're talking,"

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm usually very suave during my interrogations,"

Tsukauchi sighed, "I just need you to answer our questions honestly. Now Sakura, why did you run away? If you were frightened it's understandable-

"I wasn't," Sakura felt the need to correct that quickly on account of pride.

"They why did you run away from the social worker?"

"I am not going to be put in a foster system. I take better care of myself than any stranger would,"

"Well the law believes otherwise, especially when it's a certified, approved adult over a runaway teenager, with acts of vigilantism against her," Aizawa stated watching her through tired eyes, arms folded.

Set in their ways were the people here; she was quick to establish that when she arrived. A gap was set through age, and the ones with the most weight to tip the scale of judgment were those with more years to their names. Deciding what was right or wrong. The polar opposite to the dynamic of her world, where age alone wouldn't earn you dominant authority, but where experience and skill contributed as well.

"I didn't get to ask before, but how did you people find out where I lived?"

"That's the thing with internet stars, they tend to stand out," Answered Shouta, hearing the pinkette click her tongue.

The detective opened a yellow folder that had been laying on the table, screenshots of her fighting the villain, and some reports, "There's a video of you defeating a villain, and several witnesses reports matching your description from victims who were supposedly saved by you on different occasions. Do you have anything to say to that?"

"You're welcome, and you people should pick up on the night patrols,"

In less than an appreciative mood, Shouta glared at the pinkette, "You are really pushing it kid,"

Sakura held up her hands in a shrug, "Well sorry but I don't understand what I've done wrong or what you want with me. I only came here as a courtesy. It would have been a different situation if you attempted to use force,"

"You're arrogant,"

Sakura tilted her head at the dark-haired man, "Is that a crime?"

"No, but if you want to get into it; for starters you're a minor without a parent or guardian, avoiding authorities, and performing acts of vigilantism on more than one occasion," The detective tapped the pages of the file. "This can all add up to charges against you. Which would be paid by your legal guardian-

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