Hospital Visits

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I'm baaaack! It's finally that time of the month again where I hope you all enjoy another chapter. There's still a lot of adjustment taking place for me for this new year, but I am glad that I get to continue writing for you all with a lot of new works in the mix. That I hope to share soon.

And I would like to thank all my readers, new and old for your continued support and appreciation for my writing. It's what keeps me writing and typing.

Let's get reading!

Though Keigo had been hopeful, it was clear that even a near-death experience wouldn't soften that hard head of Sakura. What she endured, at her age, nearly losing her life protecting her classmate. This should be some kind of psychological explosion that he was waiting to clean up. If it happened in front of him, he would be able to pick up the pieces and put them together to his preference. Create someone who would become reliant on him, who he could mentor to become the next hero that took on the darkness in society.

Keigo could see the potential in her, even through the defiance she had, her eyes weren't clouded by the sparkling curtain that had been wrapped around the rest of the world when they look at heroes. On the other hand, she was also the topic of controversy, because of her actions. She was without a hero's license, publicly displayed her powers, and was being looked on as possibly the replacement for the Symbol of Peace. It was a heavy title to hold, and Keigo wasn't even sure if Endeavour was up for it. He would hold the number one position now due to semantics, but the Symbol of Peace wasn't a title that could be placed through by crunching the numbers.

He had to figure out exactly where she stood right now, so he could know what direction she might go now.

"What happened to you in your fight?" Her expression didn't change, and she wouldn't open her mouth, so he decided to keep coaxing her. "I have sharp eyes and saw the footage, and also got the in-detail reports the heroes gave who witnessed it. You were as good as dead with your heart out of your chest. Somehow you managed to revive from that and come back even stronger. Strong enough to take on that villain. Who even All Might struggled to face. So what happened to you?"

Sakura sighed, her teachers had also been looking for the answer to that question, but even she didn't know it for certain. She had ideas and theories, the most likely being Kaguya but she had no definite answer and there was a barrier that prevented her from revealing these facts.

"I don't know,"

"That's a lie,"

"I don't," Sakura said firmly, looking Keigo in the eyes, which she could see were examining every inch of her. Checking for any ticks or give away to lying. But Sakura knew how to hide these even from an eye as sharp as Keigo's.

"My power went out of control, that's all I can say,"

"Yeah, that power of yours, that works like clay. Let's you mold it into different abilities is that right?" She hadn't given the full story on this but that is the impression she had left.

"Yes. I explained that already,"

"You've been explaining in a maze," Keigo folded his arms, "This is only the beginning of your troubles. You broke the rules concerning quirks very publicly, and now with All Might's retirement rumors are being spread that a new Symbol of Peace is needed and that you're the one to fill that position,"

Sakura's expression turned sour. She had seen the articles about her, All Might retiring, and the villains. It had become a bigger mess than she wanted and her involvement had sparked a lot of questions. The media were trying to dig into her past but she knew it was just chasing tails, in the end, nothing could be traced back to her. She was fine with that.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ