Chapter 60: First Session

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Greetings fantastical readers! I am delighted to be handing you another chapter for this month and open the doors to our great escape from reality. Thank you all so much for the support, every time I'm told my stories are enjoyed I gush with strength and motivation.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Sakura stepped into the wide office, that seemed too large for its occupant. Principal Nezu. She found him staring out of the window overlooking the school grounds. He turned back to her, smiling.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, have a seat Haruno,"

Now in front of his desk, principal Nezu continued to explain why he had called her in. This was the first time meeting since she had returned to U.A. and Shouta had told her to expect word from him sometime.

"First, welcome back. We're delighted to have you joining us once again,"

Sakura wanted to ask if that's really how the school felt. Considering what she had put them through. And all the backlash they had received when she vanished. Publicity wasn't looking too good with these dorm systems when one of the students who was kidnapped by the League didn't return.

"Thank you, sir,"

Nezu inquired about how Sakura and Eri were adjusting to life in the dorms. Sakura assured him that everything was going smoothly so far, though Eri was understandably cautious around her classmates given her past but she was coming around.

"I'm grateful, that you've allowed her to come here,"

"She's been through a lot," Nezu said, with an empathetic tone. "I'm aware that her quirk can get out of control at times. I'm hoping we can discuss a plan to manage that."

Sakura was intrigued but also hesitant. She had considered the possibility of teaching Eri to control her quirk, but there was so much trauma she had tied to her own power.

"Is that why you called me in?"

Nezu cleared his throat, rummaging through his desk for a stack of papers, "Actually, it does have to do with that. Before we go further though, I wanted to discuss the next steps for both of you."

"Both?" Sakura looked at the papers, and they were forms for

"Therapy? You want us to attend therapy?"

Nezu, sensing that there was going to be some pushback, quickly intervened, "I know this isn't ideal for you. But it could be beneficial,"

While she could acknowledge that Eri needed some counseling after being isolated from the world since she was conscious of her existence, Sakura was not too keen on the idea of having her sessions. The root causes of her problems stemmed from secrets she just couldn't risk revealing to anyone. And it wasn't as if she couldn't handle her mentality.

"It's not just for you two," Nezu continued, "It's been an uphill battle with the Commission, and having these on file, would help us move forward in your case. U.A needs to cooperate with the Hero Safety Commission,"

The Commission had started posing a question of whether Sakura was even fit to be considered a hero after her actions, and questioning if the school could even manage her. Nezu didn't know why they were suddenly pushing for her to be removed, and although they hadn't mentioned persecution yet, he didn't know how long that would've held out with her going missing. It seemed as if they had their own agenda for the girl. He just didn't want to inform Sakura of his suspicions on the matter without proof.

Kunoichi amongst Heroes (Boku no hero academia x Naruto crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ