Tensions rising

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I am back finally. I'm sorry for taking so long I wanted to post a sneak peak but fell a bit behind but I'll tell you guys more about my other projects at a later date.

Here is the next chapter and I hope you all enjoy!

Sakura felt her breath-hold in her throat, she wanted to release it but it refused. She was doing nothing, sitting in her classroom as Shouta lectured them through another hero lesson. Her ribs were pressing into her heart like her own body was meaning to crush her. She broke out into a sweat but kept rigid to hide the pain. Trying to keep her breathing shallow until eventually, the feeling passed.

'It's happening more frequently,' Sakura rubbed her chest lightly. Leaning down to close her eyes in an attempt to recover. The heart palpation, the chest pains, muscles pulling, no matter what she did, Sakura couldn't stop these things from happening. The irony was bitter in her mouth.

Even so, she was able to go about her days, however droll they were becoming.

"Alright, that's it for class. There's only one week left until final exams, I trust you've all been studying,"

Shouta was tapping away at the papers on his desk as he spoke, but even his diversion did not make him less intimidating to his students as there was a promising warning behind his tone.

"There's not only the test but also the practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time, that is all."

Once he left, the class fell into their stupor of performance and dramatics over their upcoming exams. A few were already making plans to have study sessions together. It was a ruckus compared to mid-terms, but because Shouta had spoken to the class about a training camp that would be taking place over their summer break. Instead of getting away from school, they were just going to be relocated to the forest where they would be training to enhance their quirks. While Sakura had been looking forward to the break away from school so that she could dig up more information, Shouta had informed them that anyone who failed would not be permitted to go. Which would have been a fair option if only he hadn't added that they would have summer school instead.

Sakura had placed thirteenth in the class, but in this world, she wasn't familiar with most of the study topics, excelling only in the sciences and mathematics and what she studied, was what she had retained from her lessons. So subjects like history and English were her failing topics. Even though they were all irrelevant to her.

"Haruno, how have your studies been going? I know you don't enjoy languages very much." Tenya said, pushing up his glasses. She could tell that he didn't mean any harm, just stating what he had observed. During English class Hizashi had a particularly hard time with her, she couldn't read and she barely handed in anything.

"B-But we know you're great at maths and science!" Izuku said quickly. "And we thought about doing a study group together,"

"I'm fine guys,"

She hasn't even opened a book with the intent to study so of course, it was fine. Her days of studying hard and wanting to be the best in class were long over. Sakura already learned how pointless it was to associate intelligence with the grades from a report card. The first time Kakashi praised her as an individual it was because of her so-called brightness, but that could only truly speak of her book smarts. There was nothing else to speak of about her as a kunoichi, and she only realized later that it was an embarrassment.

Naruto was far from a good student, but he had the intelligence to think of solutions in the direst situations. That was a true gift.

So she learned that she prioritized incorrectly, and it was when her lack of ability almost lead to her friend's death that she understood how foolish she had been.

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