Chapter 56: Overhaul's resolve

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Welcome back my rockn' readers! I hope this month has been treating you well.

You all know what time it is! New Chapter Time!

This is dedicated to each and every one of you. I hope these stories bring more light into your lives!



Mirio's urgent call pierced through the chaos as Sakura landed with an impactful thud onto one of the concrete pikes. Fortune favored her, and only a few of the razor-sharp ends grazed her body during the descent. Pain, both immediate and impending, surged through her, but she was swift to recover. Every fiber of her being urged her to move, to defy the encroaching lethargy.

Yet, as Sakura attempted to rise, the world seemed to resist her efforts. It was as if time itself conspired against her, the pain arriving quicker than her sluggish movements. Each attempt to push herself forward felt like wading through a viscous substance, the battlefield becoming an oppressive quicksand pulling her deeper.

Kai, seizing the opportunity presented by Chronostasis's temporal manipulation, concocted a sinister strategy. His voice, dripping with disdain and vengeance, sliced through the air, "Nemesis, it seems even you've forgotten your place in the fold. Trying to play hero, let's put an end to that. Truthfully, I'm still very angry at you. At your actions against me, and Shie Hassaikai, and at your ignorance for being unable to see the bigger picture."

The words hung in the air, charged with malice. Sakura, despite her dire situation, retained a defiant glint in her eyes. The pain of the wound Kai managed to inflict and the lag in her movements were a testament to her current vulnerability, but Saukra refused to yield to Kai. As memories of Eri, her tear-filled eyes, her scarred-up body, and the smile Sakura had to work so hard to restore to that young girl who had been ensnared in Kai's machinations, fueled her determination.

"I do not care about your so-called bigger picture. If you actually believe that using Eri, like that will bring you any sense of justification you are completely insane! No one has the right to use another human like that!"

"You are too small-minded Nemnesis,"

Kai pulled from his pocket, a red case that held inside the final and perfected product he had sought after for so long. The quirk canceling bullets. Meticulously crafted to permanently erase a person's quirk, leaving an indelible mark on their fate. That was his goal for this whole world and now that he could just see the finish line, he wasn't going to surrender it without a fight.

Determination etched across his face, Kai hurled the case to Kurono, orchestrating a sinister symphony of retribution. "This time, you won't get away," he declared, a venomous promise lingering in the charged air.

Mirio, however, refused to be a pawn in Kai's designs. With a swift transition into permeation, he melded into the floor, surging through the labyrinth. As he approached, Kai, ever the tactician, manipulated the terrain anew. The battleground crumbled, reshaping itself into pillars, lifting both Kai and Kurono high above, beyond the reach of Mirio's subterranean refuge.

In a synchronized choreography of malevolence, Kai barked orders. "DO IT!" The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Kurono aimed his gun, loaded with the quirk-canceling bullets, at the standing Nemesis.

Mirio, suspended in the air, realized what was about to happen. With an unyielding resolve, he sank into the solid ground, plummeting through it with impeccable timing. His descent aligned with the trajectory of the speeding bullet.

Sakura, momentarily stunned, looked up to witness Mirio materializing before her, a radiant smile etched on his face. His outstretched arms became a shield.

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