First Day at Camp

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Hey everyone, here is another chapter. It's been a little tough writing this story since the latest chapters of the manga which may or may not have traumatized me. I am also working on new projects that I want to get up and running, including my original stories and I've been slumped with more life stuff.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Dinner wasn't shortly lived, but after running through the forest and working up a sweat, everyone wanted to sink into warm waters and let it sit as long as the heat would allow them. The natural hot springs were deep enough to sink everyone up to their shoulders or neck, divided by a large wooden wall for males and females.

"Come on, hurry up girls!?" Mina gushed, practically diving into the water.

"Please be more careful, you shouldn't dive in hot springs," scolded Momo.

Ochaco sank into the water, her pink cheeks becoming more flushed as the warmth enveloped her. "This is better than the baths back home,"

"I'm just glad to finally get this sweat off," said Toru. "And all the dirt,"

Kyoka's sweat dropped, "I didn't notice,"

"How is the water?" Sakura asked, coming down the cobblestones to the edge of the waters, a towel wrapped around her body.

"It's great! I can feel my muscles unwinding," sighed Ochaco, throwing her head back.

"Don't get too excited or you're going to have to leave sooner," Sakura warned, about to dip her feet in when Mina called, splashing the water around her like a child would in the bath.

"Hey, hey why are you in a towel? That's so uncomfortable in the baths!"

"Yeah, we're all girls here, nothing to worry about," said Kyoka, smiling at Sakura, though she became a little worried when Sakura became quiet. The pink-haired girl looked up at the sky.

'I think I said something similar to Hinata, that was the last time I went to the baths with everyone...' It was another fun pass time they all did together, and it often turned into a war zone because the boys would also go to the baths, even separated they caused a riot.

"Come on in Sakura, and ditch the towel!" said Toru, coming up in front of Sakura and tugging on the front of her towel, though she didn't put up much of a fight to prevent it from falling.

A few gasps left them, and Sakura easily knew why, though it was misty because of the heat, they could see through the steam, the scar that blemished her skin.

"S-Sorry Sakura!" Toru cried, mortified when she realized that this was probably something Sakura didn't intend to show anyone. When they were in the lockers changing, Sakura always wore a tank top.

"It's fine, I'm not ashamed of it or anything, I just didn't want to make you all uncomfortable,"

"We're not!" Ochaco exclaimed, bubbling up from the water, looking ready to float. Her upper body became chilled as it left the blanket of water. "I'm just ashamed that we were inconsiderate,"

"That's right, I apologize," said Momo, even though she hadn't been one to chide in on the conversation until now.

Sakura waved them off, stepping into the water, and Toru got a view of her back as well and she couldn't slap her hands over her mouth quick enough, "Straight through!"

The kunoichi just chuckled in turn, "No need to panic, it's just a scar,"

Momo's face softened, she was the most well-versed in anatomy and there was something very obvious from what she saw.

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