Whatever it Takes

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I'm finally back, it's been a while but life is not always easy to navigate and I've been losing more writing time because of it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 


Out of all the first-year classes, only forty-two students made it to the second stage of the Sports Festival, this included everyone from class 1A and 1B, along with Hitoshi and one girl from the support course. Once again they were told to gather in front of the stage with Nemuri taking the center to announce their next game. A cavalry battle.

"Participants can form teams of two to four people. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, the only difference is that based on the results of the last game; each persona has been assigned a point value," Nemuri told them. "And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. And the point value assigned to first place is ten million!"

'Poor Izuku,' Sakura winced. The students were already glaring at him with terrifying eagerness that was like a growing pressure. Without a doubt, he was going to be the primary focus of this next game. The prey of the hunt that would bring you to the top no matter how low you currently stood.

"Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times at U.A, that is what plus ultra means!"

"No kidding," Sakura muttered. Izuku was going to have the hardest time, but that didn't exclude her, Shouto, or Katsuki from becoming primary targets as well since they weren't too far from the top. Izuku just had the most points to offer and he was the one that needed to be overthrown to stand in first place. Which many were aiming for.

The cavalry battle was going to be limited to fifteen minutes, the points of each team would be formed by combining their points value given based on their placement for the obstacle course. The rider would then carry a headband with their team's points on their forehead. While trying to swipe other teams' headbands they had to defend their own. There was no way to fall out of the match before time ran out unless there was some unauthorized activity taking place.

"You'll have fifteen minutes to make your team, begin!"


Sakura and Hitoshi immediately decided to pair off. Since Hitoshi wasn't familiar with any of the other students and he had made a poor impression there was little chance of them finding any willing teammates, unless he used his quirk on them. And despite being in the same class, Sakura hadn't developed any close relations with anyone in 1A, not that some of them hadn't tried but there were preferences when it came to quirk compatibility and strategy.

"Are you sure the two of us alone is going to work?"

"It's better this way," Sakura said, glancing around the students putting themselves into groups. "With your brainwashing, it'll be easy for us to take other teams headbands and my speed and strength will keep us from getting ours stolen,"

"So I'm going to be the rider?" Hitoshi asked. He wasn't too sure about getting on the girl's back like that even though she did have super strength.

Sakura grinned, "Trust me. With most of the focus going to Izuku, we shouldn't have to worry too much about attacks. But if we are I can handle evasive maneuvers a lot better if it's just us,"

Hitoshi took a breath, "Well then, looks like I'm trusting you to get to the next round,"

"Same to you,"

The cavalry battle was nothing more than a filter game to Sakura, but many of the students had come to understand that the festival had always simulated the reality of a hero's job. Including the degree of competition, they would experience once they went pro. As well as coordination and teamwork they needed to have in order to succeed. That was why most of them were teaming up with people from their class, who they were already familiar with and whose quirks would be easier to coordinate with.

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