Unwanted Expectations

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I'm back! And I want to thank everyone for your votes, comments and followings. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Under the guidance of the Hero Public Safety Commission, Keigo Takami was trained from a young age to be a hero. As a result of their tutoring, he could handle different situations and missions with little difficulty, and regardless of what it may be, he could follow through with whatever orders the commission gave him, and now he was the number three hero. But even he wasn't expecting, to be assigned to supervise a teenage girl. However odd, he still followed through with the order and now here he was walking around her home.

Going from the living room to the kitchen, glancing down the short hallway with the three doors to the bathroom and bedrooms. All the while he felt those sharp emerald eyes watching him cautiously as he looked around as if owning the home.

"Who is this kid exactly?" Keigo asked, flipping through the portfolio eyes glazed with little interest. "Sakura Haruno?"

"She's someone without any record of existence. Her name is the only true identification we had for her. She was found injured and brought to the hospital without prior information about the event. Looked like she had been left for dead,"

Golden eyes scrolled down the form, to the quirk listing. "Two quirks wow, healing and super strength?"

"An assumption until recently when there was an attack at the USJ facility and records have listed a third quirk being able to clone."

"Ah, so you think she's hiding her real quirk,"

"It's a possibility or it's just a further evolution of her quirk,"

Keigo looked up at the president of the HPSC, and the severe-looking agent who always seemed to have a permanent frown on her face. "She's also been responsible for taking down a high-class villain; saving people from a building fire, and a few minor rescues and captures of purse-snatchers."

They didn't seem to want to hide anything from him with this girl. She supposedly ran away when child services wanted to take her into custody, and then she had been living normally until a video went viral of her defeating a villain. Then the commission offered to let her live on her own, if she attended U.A's hero course otherwise they'd be taking her in for training.

Hawks shrugged his shoulders, "I don't get why you want me to watch her. Sounds like you've got a good set up already,"

"We thought so too, until the USJ incident. She went up against a villain meant to defeat All Might himself without receiving injury, then she reveals to have another ability supposedly a third quirk. And despite extending our resources, we have yet to discover any trace of her past, no sightings at all, and no one who shares the name Haruno. More importantly, she's already under suspicion and it's become worse due to this League of villains attack. A theory currently in place is that there may have been someone on the inside helping them,"

"And if this theory solidifies, she's probably going to become suspect number one," Hawks said carelessly.

"There are too many unknowns when it comes to this girl. On the other hand, a front-line healer isn't easy to come by. So we want you to determine whether or not this girl will prove to be an asset or a threat. With your abilities Hawks, you should be able to find out anything she's hiding. That's why we picked you for this job,"

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