Heroes and Villains

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It was something to see the 'smiling hero' no longer smiling in a dire situation but there wasn't a lot of time to take in the view. In less than a second, All Might went from standing at the entrance to grabbing Izuku, delivering a small hit on Tomura, and then grabbing Sakura under his arm as well. Not forgetting the injured colleagues he passed on the way in, but it seemed that they were at least brought away from danger.

"You two get to the entrance," Toshinori ordered after putting them down.

Izuku and Sakura just stared at him for very different reasons, one was out of concern, and the other skepticism.

"You shouldn't have come," Sakura said calmly. "They're specifically here to kill you,"

Izuku added on, "It's true. That brain guy took One for-" he glanced at the pinkette, "He took a punch that didn't break my arm but he didn't even twitch."

"And I've been fighting that guy before you came and he hasn't been phased. He has more than one quirk. Shock absorption to take your punches, regeneration, and physically he's on another level-

"Young Haruno! Young Midoriya!" Toshinori interrupted, looking back with a smile. "It's fine! Thank you for telling me but I got this!"

'Oh god,' Sakura sighed. He was going to be stubborn about this even after her explanation. In his eyes, they were just helpless children and it was obvious he wouldn't be taking the hand they offered.

She wouldn't be able to kill that thing now and Izuku was still here. If she insisted on staying, he probably wouldn't want to leave either and they didn't need conflict on their side. For now, a retreat was looking like the best course.

'I need to get him back first,'

Grabbing Izuku's wrist, Sakura started pulling him towards the exit, "Let's go,"

She didn't give him much of an option as she pulled Izuku away from what was about to become a fight scene.





Soon there was crashing, tremors and curling noises from Nomu heard as he and Toshinori began to brawl. Sakura was keeping an eye out for Kurogiri and Tomura in case they decided to make a move to attack the two, but it didn't seem like they were interested after All Might, their goal appeared and everything else had vanished from their vision. As expected, he was fighting as he always did. With his fists even after Sakura told him about the shock absorption.

'Perhaps he wanted to test it out for himself?'

A pained cry came from Izuku that drew her back to the freckled boy, "S-Sakura, my-my fingers are-

She quickly let go of the hand wrapped in his elbow protector instead of his glove. "What happened here?"

"I broke my fingers at the shipwreck zone. It was the only way I could think to take down the villains,"

"Sorry, I'll help you out with that when we're back at the entrance,"

If she could just get him there, then she'd be able to get back to help the hero. Sakura was already aware of his condition from the other day and she couldn't help but wonder exactly how long he would be able to keep up the pace against an opponent that would be able to absorb the force of his attacks and regenerate against damage taken. There had to be a limit there somewhere but the question of who was going to hit that limit first was what worried her the most.


Toshinori had discovered that he couldn't just punch the villain out no matter where he hit. He had to listen to Tomura's bragging about the bird-like villain about his quirks even though Sakura had already informed him. It was as if he truly believed that showing off in this fashion wouldn't lead to any downfalls. And that was a terrifying train of thought to have.

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